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The adaptive behavior and productivity of cows during displecement to summer camping of cattlle

The provided data is connected with an adaptive behavior of Holstein’s milking cows and Ukrainian red milk breeds during displacement to summer camping of cattle. It was determined that the animals of high grade had higher average of  daily milk yields in comparison with the cows of middle and low grades. The Holstein’s breeds cattle had a difference in 2,82 kg (Р<0,95) and
3,67 kg of milk (Р>0,95), at Ukrainian red milk breeds – 0,62 kg and 2,14 kg of milk (Р<0,95). The The sharp change of animals’ keeping in the process of displacement to the summer camp from attached to unattached cattle management usually causes the necessity of stereotype changing in their behavior that are poorly or strongly expressed by stressing states. As a result in the first two days the milk yields go down. The production loss of Holstein breed was: the animals of high grade 0,64 kg, middle – 0,44 kg and low – 0,73 kg of milk. The animals of the Ukrainian red milk breed reacted by more considerable diminishment of productivity in the result of changing conditions. The average daily milk yields decreased in two days had the high grade cows The result was: on 1,72 kg, middle – on 2,37 kg and low – on 1,70 kg of milk.

The Holstein cattle can adapt more quickly to incarceration conditions. The level of cows’ milk productivity restored and began to grow on the third day under the action of positive factors, and on the fifth day the  average daily milk yields grew in relation to  milk yields before breaking to the summer camp: the animals of high grade on 4,5 kg (Р>0,95), middle – on
3,75 kg (Р<0,95) and low – on 3,09 kg of milk (Р<0,95).

The Ukrainian red milk breed had longer process of adaptation to the new incarceration conditions is one day. On the fifth day of their stay in a summer camp, it was multiplied by the average daily milk yields in relation to the level of yields before displacement on summer camping of cattle:  the group of high grade cows it was 2.34 kg, the middle was 2.21 kg and low - 1.5 kg of milk

Consequently, the Holstein breed cows is not only adapted more quickly to technological changes, but in response to positive factors, they responded with a more significant increase in productivity compared to Ukrainian red breeds: high grade cows 1.9 times, average grade 1.7 times and a low grade – 2.1 times. However, the variability of daily allowances in each rank group of both breeds is quite high.

The Ukrainian red dairy animals had the more clearly seen hierarchical series. That based on the principle of dominance and subordination. When new cows were introduced in new technological group, the social equilibrium was established on the second day, but from the 16 arrived heads of the Holstein breed, 33% of the high-ranking animals entered the group of animals, the average – 27 % and the lowest – 40 %. Of the 19 newly introduced animals in the group of Ukrainian red dairy cows: 58 % of the heads entered the low rank, 37 % – to the average and only 5% to the high rank.

Key words: milk cows, behavior grade, summer camp, milking, hopes.


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