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The effect of additional introduction of lysine and methionine in pelleted feed on the growth rate of dairy calves

The studies were carried out on six groups of calves according to the scheme: group I – control, which received the main diet containing 0.66 g of lysine and 0.32 g of methionine in the composition of pelleted feed (per 100 g of PF) in groups II and III, the lysine content was 0.76 g and 0.83 g respectively, the methionine content in these groups did not change and was 0.32 g, the IV – V groups received 0.37 g and 0.40 g methionine respectively in the PF and the lysine content did not vary actual (0.66 g). Group VI received a combination of lysine and methionine, the content of these amino acids in the pelleted feed was 0.79 g and 0.38 g, respectively. The effect of additional introduction of lysine and methionine in pelleted feed on the growth indices of dairy calves was determined. When the additional introduction into the diet of dairy calves amino acids lysine and methionine were found changes in body weight. When setting calves on experience between groups significant difference was determined by body weight. Throughout the whole experience better results in this indicator was observed in the calves of the third group that received pellets with 0.83 g of lysine / 100 g in 62 days of their body weight was 5.27 % more than the mass of the control animals (R≤0,001 ). The results of analysis of the growth rate of experimental calves from 12 to 32 days showed that animals of the fourth group had the lowest live weight, however, already on day 42 this index was above the control by 1.9 kg, at the age of 52 days – by 2.0 kg , in 62 days – 2.5 kg (p ≤ 0.05). It should be noted that calves of the fifth group, receiving 0.40 g of methionine / 100 g in the pellets, from the 42nd day until the end of the experiment had the lowest rate of growth. For a better understanding of the calves' development rates, we calculated the absolute gains of the body weight. The studies showed that in the first decade, the highest absolute gains among the experimental animals were in the calves of the third group and were 4.3 kg, which is 13.2% more than in the control calves (P≤0.01). At the same time, the second group on this indicator had the lowest results – 3.65 kg, which is 150 g less than the control one.
In the second decade of the experiment, the same trend continued as in the first: the best absolute growth rates were observed in the third and fifth groups, with respect to control, they were more by 11.9 % and 13.1 %, respectively; the worst – in the second, where the absolute gains was less than the control for 50 g.
Beginning from the third decade until the end of the experiment, the absolute growths of the calves of the control group ranged from 7.4-7.9 kg, when this index in the fourth group was within 8.0-8.5 kg (p ≤ 0.05). In the same period, the calves of the second group gained growth rates, and in the third, fourth and sixth decades had absolute growths larger than the control animals by 13.5; 3.9 and 3.8 % respectively.
The highest absolute growth for the fifth decade of the calves were the third group – 8.2 kg. In the sixth decade, high absolute growth rates were observed in the calves of the fourth and sixth groups, and amounted to 8.5 kg, which is 8.9 % more than in the control.
The main indicator of the growth rate of calves is the average daily gain. The average daily growth in animals of all experimental groups was higher than the control ones. However, it should be noted that only the animals of the third and fourth groups in this indicator had an advantage over the calves of the control group by 6.6% and 7.2%, respectively. The difference in the average daily increment between control and the second, fifth and sixth groups was 12.5; 8.3; 23.3 g respectively.
Together with the average daily gain for calves growth rate characteristics, was analyzed relative gains. It was found that the intensity of calf growth during the first two decades was below 13 %. During this period calves of the third and fifth groups developed quickly, the animals of the second and sixth were worse.
In the third decade, the growth rate of calves was high, and over the period of the experiment reached more than 19%. It should be noted that the second, fourth and sixth groups, which in the previous 20 days in terms of relative growth were the worst, showed the best results.
From the fourth to the sixth decade there is a decrease in the intensity of growth. The relative increments of calves of the fourth group from the 32nd to the 42nd day of the experiment exceeded 1.1% for control animals. At the same time, the fifth group had relative increments of 0.94% below control animals. The fifth decade was characterized by uniform relative increments almost among all groups, except the second. The calves of the second group had relative increments at the level of 12.1%, and this was below the control group by 0.9 %.
At the end of the experiment, the average indicator of the growth intensity of the experimental dairy calves was 12.0 %, in contrast to 11.8 % in the control.
Thus, it is established that the conduct of additional lysine and methionine in pelleted feed for calves – milkman has a positive effect on their growth rate. It is proved that by the relative increase, the most effective effect of amino acids is observed in the third decade.
It was found that to increase the growth rate of dairy calves it is advisable to use pelleted feed with the following amino acid content: 0.83 g of lysine and 0.32 g of methionine, as well as 0.66 g of lysine and 0.37 g  of methionine per 100 g of PF.
Key words: dairy calves, lysine, methionine, pelleted feed, prestarter, body weight, absolute gains, average daily gains, relative gains.


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