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Indicators of reproductive ability in highly productive cowunder different levels and sources of Zinc in the rations
Practical experience of large livestock farms proves a direct relationship between cows biologically full feeding in dry and aftercalving periods and metabolism processes and their effect on milk production, milk quality, newborn calves vitality and cows reproductive function.
Cows feed consumption and digestion abilities are limited in early lactation because they mobilize tissue body reserves extensively within the first 3 months of lactation, which results in negative energy balance and using the body proteins during the first 2–3 weeks of lactation, which ultimately causes a decrease in their fertility.
The negative energy balance, using rations rich in starch, fat or protein supplements cause deviations in oocytes and embryos maturation as well as in cells development and division.
Reduced fertility in highly productive cows is also associated with pastures reduction and keeping cows inside throughout the year that deprives them of active motion. At the same time, increasing energy in the ration before calving increases cows fertility and feeding cows with protein mixture reduces the interval from calving to first identified lust by 40 days, that is the highly productive cows genetic potential and hereditary qualities implementation must be coordinated with their biological requirements in nutrients and biologically active substances.
Balancing rations in terms of microelements like Zinc, Manganese, Cobalt, Cuprum, Iodine is crucial in increasing animals biologically full feeding. Zinc deficiency in the ration reduces females fertility, and its continued lack can result in infertility.
Therefore, finding ways to improve the reproductive abilitiesin high-yielding Ukrainian black-and-white dairy cattle herds is one of the urgents issues of dairy cattle farming in Ukraine.
The aim of our study was to determine the influence of Zinc mixedligandcomplexcombined with Copper sulphate, Cobalt and sodium selenite on reproductive function in highly productive cows, calves live weight at birth and their liveability.
Feeding the experimental cows with various forms of Zinc during the dry period and during the first 100 days of lactation resulted in differences in live weight of calves at birth. The average live weight of the 2nd experimental calves was higher than in the control group by 2.65%; in the 3rd – by 4.3; 4 in the 4th – by 11.5; in the 5th one – by10.8%. The greatest duration of service period was in cows of the 1st control group and made on average 132.2 days. Therations in this group in the dry period and in the first 100 days of lactation included Zinc sulfate, Copper, Cobalt, sodium selenite.
Thus, Zinc sulfate replacement in diets of cows 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th research groups for hismixedligandcomplex at the dose of 0.92; 0.69; 0.45 and 0.23 kg/t of feed and the using Copper and Cobalt sulfate, potassium iodide and sodium selenite in premixes in the quantities the recommended norms lacked in the early and late dry periods and in the first 100 days of lactation has a positive impact the physiological state, stimulates the lust and ensure normal conditions for fertilization process of and embryo development. The difference in feeding results in the service period length differences between the control and experimental groups of cows. The biggest difference (55.7 days) was observed between the animals of the 4th experimental group and the 1st control one.
Key words: high-yielding cows, ration, premix, microelements, sulfuric, Zinс mixed ligand complex, insemination, service period, calves live weight at birth, food.
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