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Influence of enzyme preparation "Lysozyme" on the growth of young pigs at fattening
Scientific and industrial practice proved that the use of feed additives increases the productivity of livestock and poultry. Currently, in the feeding of farm animals synthetic amino acid, vitamins, mineral compounds, antioxidants and others are used. At the same time, not all the issues resolved with the use in livestock feeding enzyme supplements.
The problem is a lack of awareness about such preparations and their digestibility. Nowadays enzymes, expedience of their use is widely covered in the literature, were included in livestock fodder balance and the issue of rational nutrition, increase productivity and reduce production costs are successfully solved.
According to modern scientific development, important role in the mechanisms of physiological processes plays enzymes that accelerate the passage of biochemical reactions. As a result of intensive processes of absorption decay products of fodders more elevated synthesis occurs in the body. Actions of enzymes and their positive impact on the productivity of pig deserves special attention. But a relatively high number of enzymes and diversity of actions requires further research.
The positive dynamics of the proposed method of feeding young pigs is that by its use metabolism in animals is accelerated, which positively affects on growth, leading to increased profits.
The aim of the research was to study the effectiveness and expedience of feeding young pigs with enzyme "Lysozyme" on farm production economy LLC "Avangard-D" Ovidiopolsk district of Odessa region, and to explore it’s influence on the productivity of young pigs.
For the experiment there were selected 36 heads of young pigs and they were divided into 3 groups on the basis of analogs in the beginning of experiment on 42.5 kg and 4 months old. During the formation of analog- groups for research animal live weight, age, sex, breed and fatness were taken into account. All animals were clinically healthy and suitable for research. After comparative period there were selected from each group 3 heads of analog-animals for conducting physiological experiment on digestibility of nutrients.
Based on the research results it was found that the use of enzyme "Lysozyme" in feeding pigs at fattening has positive effect on animal productivity, promotes the assimilation of protein compounds, thereby increasing the nutritional value of fodder.
Introduction to the diets of pigs at fattening enzyme "Lysozyme" affected the performance of nutrients digestibility. Thus, in the third experimental group it was noted higher digestibility for all parameters in nutrition.
Digestibility of nutrients was high in all experimental groups, indicating that the conditions of feeding animals as the overall nutritional value and content of nutrients met the requirements of pigs from the control and experimental groups, the diets had high biological value. Data analysis showed that by introduction "Lysozyme" into rations of animals from the research groups tended to increasing digestibility and absorption of nutrients.
During investigating changes in live weight and average daily growth it was determined that the highest live weight of animals in 7 months of age received the third experimental group receiving the diet enzyme preparation "Lysozyme" in the amount of 2 kg/t of premix.
Average daily live weight gain of pigs II and III research groups significantly exceed the performance parameters of the control group, respectively, 6.7 and 9.0 % (P>0.05).
Fodder costs per unit of increase in body mass are closely related to the general biological usefulness of the diet. The lowest fodder consumption per unit of increase in body mass was set in the third experimental group, representing 4.96 f. unit as compared with animals in the control group to 6.25 %.
Compared with animals from the first group digestibility of dry and organic matter increased on average by 2.4 and 2.3 %; protein – 3.0 %; fat – 9.9 %; raw fiber – 3.6 % and Nitrogen-Free Extractive Substances – 1.5 %.
Adding enzyme "Lysozyme" to mixed fodder improves digestibility coefficients of nutrients in young pigs that enhances their growth and provides a extra profit. Obtained data make it possible to assert that the introduction to the diet of pigs at fattening enzyme "Lysozyme" in the amount of 2 kg/t premix is the highest increases the rate of growth of young pigs, reduces fodder costs per unit of output and allows you to get additional revenue from sales in the amount of 1627.1 UAH.
Key words: pigs, productivity, premix, feeding, enzyme preparation "Lysozyme".
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