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Influence of vicasol on the activity of Krebs cycle enzymes, antioxidant system and peroxide oxidation in the mus-cles of geese
Vitamin K is a family of derivatives of 1,4-naphthoquinone, which is usually seen as an antihemorrhagic remedy. However, quinone derivatives have a broad spectrum of biological activity and are used as therapeutic, antiparasitic agents and as growth stimulators of the intestinal microflora. The level of influence of these substances depends on the structure of the side chain, which determines the polarity of derivatives and determines the nature of their relationship with the elements of the respiratory chain and Krebs cycle.
Industrial poultry farming, which uses highly crosses poultrycan not be effective without the use of science-based vitamin and mineral admixtures, and vitamin K is their indispensable component. Technology of feeding fodder is important when using these admixtures. If the one uses the prepared feed, typically preferred forms are water-soluble vitamins.
The purpose of work was to determine the influence of a water-soluble derivative vitamin K3 (vicasol) on dehydrogenase activity in Krebs cycle and the state of antioxidant protection in the muscle tissue of geese.
Geese breed Legarda Large (White) were used as the model. Two groups (control and research), each consisting of 25 heads, were formed in 1-day age. The goslings of research group from the 3d day drank daily hydrophilic aqueous form of vitamin K3 with a concentration of 10 mg / L in counting 0,7 mg / kg body weight. Biological sampling was performed on the 7-, 14-, 21-, 28- and 35-th days. In the muscle of lower limbs the activity of Krebs cycle dehydrogenase was determined: succinate dehydrogenase (SD), α-ketohlutaratdehidrohenase (2-OGD) and antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPO) and the content of intermediate (GPL) and final (TBAAP) products of lipid peroxidation.
The average level of α-OGD activity of goslings in the experimental group was 14,3 % lower than in the control one. The use of derivative vitamin K3 helped to stabilize this indicator: coefficient of variation of α-OGD activity of goslings in the experimental group was 12,0 % lower than in the control one.
The average activity of SD in skeletal muscle of goslings in the experimental group was 11,4% lower than the corresponding figures of the control group, and the coefficient of variation was 6,0 % lower. Thus, under the influence of vicasol in skeletal muscle of goslings the activity of investigated dehydrogenases of Krebs cycle stabilized and decreased to some extent.
The reaction of antioxidant enzymes on the remedy was rather specific. The average level of SOD-activity in muscles of goslings under the influence of vicasol did not change significantly. At the same time the stabilizing effect of this indicator was found in the experimental group of goslings: the coefficient of variation of SOD-activity in their muscles became 10,0 % lower. Under the influence of derivative vitamin K3 dynamic of SOD-activity over time acquired a growing character
(r = 0,917 (p≤0,05) in the experimental group, while the control group r = 0,501).
(r = 0,917 (p≤0,05) in the experimental group, while the control group r = 0,501).
For CAT-activity, on the contrary, on the background of close value of variation coefficient in the control and experimental, in the experimental group of goslings a moderate decrease of its average level (7,7 %) was found.
GPO-activity appeared to be the most susceptible to vicasol, the average level of which in the experimental group of goslings rose by 34,1 % and the coefficient of variation decreased by 18 %. The nature of the dynamics of this indicator in the experimental group remained similar to the control one (r = 0,895 (p≤0,05) and 0,900 (p≤0,05) with time, respectively).
The application of vicasolfavoured the moderate stabilization of intermediate products of lipid peroxidation GPL (coefficient of variation is lower in the experimental group by 8,0 %) and monotonic decrease of their contents throughout the experiment (r = – 0,928, p≤0,05), that was not observed in the muscles of goslings of the control group.
Average content of TBA-active products both in the original homogenate and after the induction of lipid peroxidation by ions Fe2+, under the influence of vicasol increased by 54,8 % and 41,9 % respectively. Besides, under the influence of derivative vitamin K3 the content of TBAAP іn the muscles of goslings in the experimental group became somewhat stabilized and had a decreasing over time (r = – 0,816, p≤0,05). Overall, if we compare the average coeficient of antioxidant activity of goslings in the control and experimental groups, the figure is 9,4 % higher in the experimental group.
Thus, under the influence of vicasol in the skeletal muscles of goslings a moderate activation of the antioxidant defense system was observed, mainly due to glutathione peroxidase and, in the less degree, to superoxide dismutase. At the same time, the activity of dehydrogenases (α-OGD and SD) decreased to some extent and stabilized.
However, according to the growth indicators, the goslings of the experimental group significantly exceeded the corresponding indicators of the control group. Such a positive effect is probably due to the specific influence of vicasol on the redox geese system, which involves implementing mechanisms aimed at increasing the efficiency of its functioning by increasing the balance of its individual components.
Key words: redox system, vikasol, dehydrogenases, antioxidant enzymes, lipoperoxidation products, antioxidant activity, balance.
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