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Living mass and medium-based current broiler facilities for the use of mixturnal gland quiplex zinc

Genetic potential realization in animals depends on their feeding value, the use of quality feed and biologically active substances. Currently, inorganic salts of trace elements produces abroad  are used in premixes in Ukraine and thus their  actual content in feeds is not accounted. Low bioavailability of zinc micronutrient from feed and from traditional food sources requires the search for new approaches to solving this problem. Development of biotechnology for the production of chelate forms of trace elements and their use in the feeding of highly productive animals is a promising method, since their chelate form is contained in animals organisms.

The scientific economic experiment on the study of the efficiency of the use of the mixedligand complex of zinc in the composition of mixed fodders was conducted on the broiler chickens of the Cobb-500 cross under the conditions of the vivarium of the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University.

Before conducting the research, 3 types of mixed fodders were manufactured: one – using zinc sulfate at a dose corresponding to the introduction of 50 g of the element (control) per 1 ton of compound feed, the second – using a mixed mixed-ligand complex of zinc at a dose corresponding to the introduction of 1 ton of compound feed 37.5 g of the element and the third one – using a mixed-ligand complex of zinc at a dose corresponding to the introduction of 50 g of the element per 1 ton of compound feed.

Sulfate and a mixed aligand complex of zinc were introduced to the ready-mixed feed by multistage mixing. This method of introducing zinc preparations makes it possible to evenly distribute supplements throughout the mass of mixed fodder.

For the experiment, 150 day-old broiler chickens were selected, and 3 groups were formed on the principle of analogues – a control one and 2 experimental ones, 50 chickens in each (25 cockerels and 25 hens). Live weight of chickens was taken into account when selecting the analogues.

The experimental birds was kept in cell batteries at a density of 12 heads per 1 m2. The feeding was 2.5 cm, watering was carried out with nipple waterers. Indicators of the microclimate of the premises were identical in all groups of birds and corresponded to the established hygienic norms.

The dynamics of  live weight and average daily increments of chicken broilers for feeding of sulfate and mixed aligant complex of zinc in different doses were studied. The main advantages of the mixed-alloy complexuse  over sulfate are shown and prospects of its application in the composition of mixed fodders are determined.

It was established that feeding of the mixed zinc complex allows to increase the average daily increments and live weight of chicken broilers in different growing periods.

The use of a mixed-alloy complex of zinc at doses corresponding to the introduction of 1 ton of compound feed 50 and 37.5 g of the element increases daily average increments over the entire period of the experiment, respectively, by 3 and 5.2 g or by 5.2 and 9.1 %. At the same time, the live weight of chickens 2 and 3 experimental groups, which mixed with mixed feed received a complex of zinc, increased respectively by 125 and 219 g or 5.2 and 9.1 %.

According to the results of the conducted scientific and economic experiment, it was found that the mixed zigzag complex use of zinc at a dose corresponding to 37.5 grams of element per 1 ton of mixed fodder contributes to better use of nutrients in the feed, which leads to a probable increase in average daily broiler chickens increments from the second decade of cultivation for reducing feed costs.

The use of a mixed-alloy complex of zinc at a dose corresponding to 50 g of element per 1 ton of feed is also conducive to better use of nutrients in feed, but the probable increase in average daily broiler chicken sincrements is only due from the third cultivation decade.

According to the control weights results, it was found out that live chicken broilers weight of  the 2nd and the 3rd experimental groups began to dominate the live weight of broiler chickens from the control group from the 14th day of age and until the end of fattening (P <0.05).

The results of the studies showed the benefits of introducing Zinc in the form of a mixed-ligand complex over sulfate, and more effective is the dose corresponding to the introduction of 37.5 g of the element per 1 ton of compound feed.

Key words: mixed zinc complex, zinc sulfate, chicken broilers, live weight, average daily increment, age, control group, experimental group.


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