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The productive and reproduced qualities of cows dependently on their fattening before calving
Under conditions of the untied keeping and milking on robotized units for the cows of the Ukrainian black - and - white milk breed the influence of fattening during the calving on productive and reproduced qualities and increase of litter is researched.
The conducted researches showed that greater half of the investigated cows – 57% had fattening before the calving within the limits of 3 - 4 points, and cows with fattening to 3 - 4 points formed 21 and 22% accordingly.
In the groups of cows with below the middle (to 3 points) and middle fattening (3-4 points) observed one case (7,14 and 2,6% from the quantity of animals in a group) giving the help at calving, while cows with higher middle fattening (4 points and more) of such cases had two (13,33%). Thus in each of groups there were 4 cases of dung delay (28,5; 10,52 and 26,6% accordingly). The least cases of after-calving hypocalcemia diseases (13,15%) were observed in a group with middle fattening, and in groups with below and higher middle fattening of such cases were more (21,42 and 20%). The quantity of mastitis diseases in the group with middle fattening after calving was (7,89%), while in groups from below and higher middle fattening of such cases were more (13,33%). Also in the group of cows with middle fattening there were less cases of udder swelling (15,78%), thus in groups from below and higher middle fattening of such cases were accordingly 28,57 and 20%.
The shortest service-period was in a group with middle fattening - 94,28 days, while in a group with below middle fattening it was 2,86 days longer and formed 97,14 days, and in a group with higher middle fattening it was 18,12 days longer than in a group with middle fattening and formed 112,4 days.
Further researches showed that the middle fattened cows (2 groups) had two forced cases of calves feeding on colostrum from other cows or 5,26% because of maternal bad quality, and for cows from below and higher middle fattening (1 and 3 groups) part of such cases formed accordingly 14,28 and 20%. The middle living weight of calves at birth was the greatest in a group with middle fattening - 37,4 kg, that 0,1 and 0,9 kg more than in groups from higher and below middle fattening - 37,3 and 36,5 kg, and the greatest daily average increase was observed in a group with below middle fattening 517 g, that 2 and 8 gs more than in groups with middle and higher middle fattening.
It is also established as a result of the conducted researches, that the greatest middle milk yield for the first 180 days of lactation was in the group of cows with middle fattening - 5057,1 kg, and in groups from below and higher middle fattening it formed 4923 and 4064,7 kg accordingly. Thus the middle milk yield in a maternity birth room was the greatest in the first group and formed 17,57 kg, while in groups with middle and higher middle fattening (2 and 3 groups) it formed 16,94 and 14 kg accordingly.
The lactation curve of cows with middle fattening differed in a sharp increase in the second month of lactation and sharp falling in the third month and further gradual decline during the fourth - sixth month. For cows with below middle fattening the top of lactation happens on the second month and further gradually decreases to the sixth month. In that time for cows with higher middle fattening observed the sharp increase of lactation curve on the second month with a top on the third month of lactation and further gradual monthly decrease.
Data concerning the change of cows fattenning after calving testify that for the cows of 2 group at the beginning of lactation it formed 3,0 points, then - on the 2 month of lactation - decreased to 2,75 points and remained at this level to the fourth month, on fifth returned to a mark 3,0 points. For cows with below middle fattening (1 group) at the beginning of lactation the fattening formed 2,75 points after that during two months decreased 0,25 points to 2,25 points, remained at this level for two months and during a fifth month after calving, increased to 2,5 points and was such to the sixth month of lactation. For the cows of 3 group the fattening dynamics marked a monthly decline per 0,25 points during the first two months of lactation - from 3,75 to 3,25 points and by a further increase per 0,25 points in fourth and sixth months.
Thus low and high level of animals fattening before calving negatively influences the birth character. The increase of fattening level for cows before calving more than 4 points results the increase of service period duration and index of insemination, and also diminishing the productivity for 180 days of lactation.
Key words: fattening, productivity, lactation curves, reproduction, increase of litter.
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