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Survival and productivity of broiler chickens fed with an acidifier and formulation "Tsianofor"
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of different doses of dry Acidifier «FRA LBB DRY» in the fodder and watering with the formulation "Tsianofor" on survival and productivity of broiler chickens of the cross "Cobb-500”. The experiment was carried out on 4 analog groups of broiler chickens with 300 birds in each group from one day of age until day 42.
Experimental birds were kept on deep litter in compliance with the standard mode of temperature, lighting and ventilation.
During the experiment, broiler chickens of the 1st control group were fed with complete feed according to the age periods.
Broiler chickens of the 2nd experimental group received the same feed with adding of the acidifier “FRA LBB DRY” at a dose of 3 kg/t and combined biologically active formulation "Tsianofor" at a dose of 1.5 ml/L. The acidifier is a synergistic mix combination of monoglycerides of propionic, butyric, and lauric acid in dry form."Tsianofor" contains active substances butafosfan and cyanocobalamin.
Broiler chickens of the 3rd experimental group received the acidifier “FRA LBB DRY” at a dose of 5 kg/t and "Tsianofor" at the same dose as birds in the 2nd group.
Broiler chickens of the 4th experimental group were fed with complete feed, but water was supplemented with antibiotic Norfolk at a dose of 1.0 ml/L.
The water with or without was delivered by nipple watering system.
In the experiment we studied the survival, dynamics of body weight, average daily gain of broiler chickens, feed conversion and European efficiency index of rearing.
The obtained data was processed by standard methods of variation statistics using computer software Statistica. The significance of the difference in performance between the experimental and control groups of birds was considered statistically valid for the following: * P <0.05; ** P <0.01; *** P <0.001.
Analysis of the experimental results demonstrated that the introduction of a feed acidifier and watering with additive "Tsianofor" had a positive impact on the survival of the flock and the dynamics of live weight gain in broilers of the experimental groups. Thus, in the control group remained 92.0 % chicken, in the 2nd experimental group survival of the flock was higher by 3.0 % in the 3rd by 6.0 % and in the 4th experimental group by 2.0 %.
The same was true for the dynamics of the live weight, which in broiler chickens of experimental groups throughout the growing period was significantly higher than in the control group. For example, at one week of age chickens of experimental groups dominated of their peers in the control group in live weight by 8.2–13.0 %, at the 14-day age by 5.4–16.4 %, at the 21-day age by 3.4–8.8 % and at the 42-day age by 1.2–4.1 %. Overall, for the entire period of the experiment the total increase of live weight of one broiler in the control group was 2324.63 g, and in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th experimental groups was higher by 3.47; 4.22 and 1.25 % respectively. An average daily weight gain in broiler chickens of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups fed with forage treated with the acidifier exceeded the control by 3.55 and 4.31 % (P <0.05), respectively, the 4th experimental group fed with forage treated with antibiotics exceeded the control by 1.3 %. Broilers of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th experimental groups used less food per 1 kg of weight increase by 2.2; 2.8 and 1.1 % respectively.
European index of efficiency of production in the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups that were receiving acidifier and “Tsianofor” was higher than the control by 25.0 and 38.4 units respectively, and in the 4th experimental group only by 12.4 units.
Based on an overall assessment of the experimental results we made the following conclusions. 1. Supplementation of the broiler feed with the acidifiers FRA LBB DRY at doses of 3 and 5 kg/t and watering with addition of the formulation "Tsianofor" at 1.5 ml/L a) improves survival of the flock compared to the control by 3.0–6.0 %, and increases average daily gain and absolute body weight by 3.55–4.31 and 3.47–4.22 %, respectively; b) increases European index growing efficiency by 25.0–38.4 units; c) reduces the cost of feed by 2.2–2.8 %. In broiler chickens watered with addition of the antibiotic difference in the above mentioned parameters compared to the control were a) 2.0 %; 1.3–1.2 %; b) 12.4 units and c) 1.1 % respectively.
2. By a combined assessment of the experimental results, the optimal dose of the acidifier «FRA LBB DRY» for broiler chickens can be considered 3 kg /t of feed.
3. Utilization of the acidifier «FRA LBB DRY» together with the formulation "Tsianofor" for growing broiler chickens is impractical because such a combination had no significant advantages over the utilization of the acidifier only.
Prospects for future research are to study the impact Acidifier «FRA LBB DRY» on the quality of meat and slaughter and hematological parameters of broiler chickens.
Key words: broiler chickens, acidifier, formulation "Tsianofor", antibiotic, survival, productivity.
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