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The genetic monitoring is in the herd of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed on gene complex
The saturation of food market with high-quality foods of domestic production in a sufficient volume is impossible without cattle breeding intensification, one of constituents of which is effective selection work. The necessary condition of the rational use of gene pool of agricultural animals is description of population in accordance with the polymorphism of genes which are related to the different economic features. Most markers of the productivity known today are detected exactly in the cattle which creates the prospects of development of MAS-selection for the improvement of dairy cattle. Testing after some of them, in particular by kappa-casein (k-Cn), is introduced to the breeding programs of dairy breeds in Europe and USA (Denicourt, D. et al., 1990; Schaar J. et al., 1985).
Because of the narrowing of gene pool of the Ukrainian dairy breeds the study of their genetic specific with the purpose of exposure of desirable genotypes and conduct of the directed selection on certain signs acquires special topicality.
The analysis of the last researches and publications showed that allelic variant B of the k-Cn gene is associated with high maintenance squirrel in milk and with the best technological indexes for the production of hard cheeses (Kaminski S., Figiel L., 1993). Allelic variant A of the β-LG gene is associated with high milk yields, and allelic variant В is associated with high maintenance of casein albumens and enhanceable maintenance of fat in milk of cows (Zinov'eva N.A., Jernst L.K., 2009). Thyroglobulin (TG) is a glycoprotein hormone which is synthesized in the follicle cages of thyroid and is the predecessor of triiodo-thyronine (Т3) and tetraiodothyronine (Т4) which play an important role in the growth of adipocyte, differentiation and homoeostasis of depot fats (Barendse W.J. et al., 2004). The Ukrainian cattle breeding requires introduction of new methods and approaches which are based directly on the analysis of the inherited information at the level of regulator or structural areas of genes, in the basis of which is the use of polymorphism of DNA.
The purpose of researches is the analysis of the results of the breeding-genetic monitoring in the herd of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed according to the complex of genes.
In the cattle herd of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed of farm "Khrystynivske" polymorphism after the genes of kappa-casein, beta-lactoglobulin (β-LG), somatotropic (GH), thyroglobulin, pituitary-specific transcription factor (Pit-1), leptin (LEP) has been investigated. Data about the suckling productivity of cows has been analysed after materials of the automated pedigree account. The suckling productivity of cows during 305 days of the first lactation has been taken into account. DNA-research has been conducted with the help of polymerize chain reaction method.
Distribution of frequencies after the investigated genes has been studied. Frequency of allelic variant B to the gene of LEP is very low which is explained by the absence of genotypes of LEPВВ, a little number of genotypes of LEPАВ and LEPВС. One should notice the high frequency of allelic variant A, that is explained by a great number of genotypes of LEPАА and LEPАС. Frequency of allelic variant of Т to the gene of ТG is very low which is explained by a little number of genotypes of TGTT. High frequency of allelic variant of C is explained by a great number of genotypes of ТGCC. Frequency of allelic variant B to the gene of kappa–casein is low because of a little numder of genotypes of k-CnВВ.
A number of genotypes of k-CnАА and k-CnАВ leads to yigh-frequency of allelic variant A. There is quite high frequency of both alternative A and B allelic variants (0,66 and 0,34, accordingly) ater the gene of Pit-1. One should notice low frequency of heterozygotes after this gene. Very low frequency of allelic variant of V could be observed after a gene GH, which can be explained by the absence of genotypes of GHVV. There is quite high frequency of both alternative A and B alleles (0,34 and 0,66, accordingly) after the gene of β-LG. Thereby, one could see disbalance in allelic variant distributiont after these genes.
The conducted breeding-genetic monitoring allowed to form perspective directions of development of the cattle breeding in an economy. A reliable difference is set after a yield at different genotypes after the gene of k-Cn. In other cases the reliable difference is not set, however educed tendencies allowed to set desirable polygenic genotypes. Thus, the peculiarities of genetic structure of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed has been revealed, data as for the specific of genetic structure after distribution of genotypes and allelic variants of genes of k-Cn, β-LG, GH, TG, Pit-1, LEP in farm "Khristinivske" have been received. On the basis of results of analysis of indexes of the suckling productivity of different genotypes the desirable complex genotype of animals of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed is offered after the investigated genes. For the increase of yield such genotypes are desirable as κ-CnААTGCTβ-LGААGHLLLEPAB Pit-1AA; for the increase of dairy fat – κ-CnAATGCCβ-LGABGHLVLEPACPit-1AA; for the increase of dairy protein – κ-CnABTGCCβ-LGABGHLLLEPAAPit-1AB.
The collaboration of selectionists and geneticists creates prospects for the development of gene selection in Ukraine. Correct estimation of separate herds and populations on the whole promotes the improvement of methods of selection, developing the most effective programs of selection. Educed tendencies as for advantage of certain genotypes after economic useful features can be taken into account during further breeding work with this herd.
Key words: genetic monitoring, frequency of allele, kappa-casein, beta-lactoglobulin, somatotropin.
1. Denicourt, D. Detection of bovine K-casein genomic variants by the polymerase chain reaction method / D. Denicourt, M. Sabour, A. McAlister // Animal Genetics. – 1990. – Vol. 21. – P. 215–216.
2. Schaar, J. Effect of genetic variants of kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin on cheese-making / J. Schaar, B. Hansson,
H. Pettersson // J. Dairy Res. – 1985. – Vol. 52. – P. 429–437.
3. Kaminski, S. Kappa-casein genotyping of Polish Black-and-White x Holstein-Friesian bulls by polymerize chain reaction / S. Kaminski, L. Figiel // Genetica Polonica. – 1993. – Vol. 34. – P. 65–72.
4. Zinov'eva, N.A. Ispol'zovanie molekuljarno-geneticheskoj informacii v zhivotnovodstve / N.A. Zinov'eva, L.K. Jernst // Dostizhenija v genetike, selekcii i vosproizvodstve sel'skohozjajstvennyh zhivotnyh [Achievement is in genetics, selection and reproduction of agricultural animals]: materialy mezhdunar. nauk. konf. – SPb: VNIIGRZh, 2009. – Ch. 2. – S. 3–7.
(in Russian).
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