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Additionthe glutamic acid additives to the ration and its impact on the digestibility and the productivity of the pigs

In this article we prowide the research of the important field of agriculture – the pig-breeding, that is the pig-breeding and the receiving the biggest productivity from them. Recently, the problem of receiving the biggest productivity in a short period of time becomes very important, as the world population increases and requires a large number of foods, including meat products, which are an important source of protein.

The aim is to study the influence of the glutamic acid additives to the pig rations, their productivity and feed costs for the production of 1c. of the production.

While doing the research, the following tasks were set:

- to set the optimal dose of glutamic acid in the ration of growing pigs;

- to examine the effect of glutamic acid on the indicators of growth and the development of young pigs, the feed costs on the production of per product;

- to identify the economic efficiency of glutamic acid in the rations of growing pigs.

For a comprehensive study of digestibility and nutrient absorption of the rations, our physiological research was based on young pigs of four months of age. It was based on two groups of animals: the control group and the research group, with the number of 12 animals in each. The ration of animal’s feed was twice a month according to the existing rules, taking into account the age and the live weight of the examined animals. On the basis of the analysis of the structure and the nutritional value of the rations, we have regularly performed their balance based on all of the 28 indicators. According to the scheme of the research the animals in the control group were given a ration without added glutamine acid and other animals of the experimental group received a ration in which glutamic acid was added in an amount of 2 g per day for 1 each pig. The glutamic
acid (Glu, E) was added to the basic ration - found in all organisms in the free form (in plasma with the glutamine it is about 1/3 of all free amino acids) and the consistence of proteins. For the first time it was found in wheat gluten, because of which ithas got its name. The metabolic processes which takes place in animal’s and human’s organisms at stresses and diseases lead to large numbers of using the glutamic acid.

The research of the glutamic acid’s metabolism is important for understanding its role in metabolic processes and is of great interest to solve many fundamental and practical problems associated with the protein metabolism.

The adding to the ration the experimental glutamic acid made some impact on the tendencies of digestibility and absorption of nutrients. In research group there is the increasing of digestibility by all indicators of nutrition. In comparison with the control group of animals, the digestibility of dry and organic matter increased by an average of 2.4; the protein – by 3; the fat – by 9.9; the crude fiber – by 3.6 and MAR – by 1.5 %.

The received data makes it possible to affirm that the adding of the glutamic acid into the ration of pigs in an amount of 2 g is maximum. The further increase of the glutamic acid in the rations, according to received tendencies, would leed to a decrease of nutrients digestibility coefficients, which in turn negatively affects the productivity of young pigs. It is known that the live weight and the intensity of growth of the animals are the main indicators that characterize the influence of a particular factor on the metabolism and the functional state of any organism.

Our research provides a basis for the economic feasibility (the increase of the live weight gain and the decrease of the feed costs per unit) of the use of the glutamic acid in pigs rations and allows getting the additional production and profits.

Key words: pigs, glutamic acid, diet, full feeding, balanced feeding, digestibility substances.

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