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Amino acid composition of muscle tissue of young pigs at feeding PVMS Minaktyvit

In livestock production, the importance of not only the number of received products, but also its quality, which is associated mainly with feeding.

Among the studied parameters amino acid composition of proteins in muscle tissue more fully reflect its biological value.
In addition, the amino acid composition provides guidance onthe capability of pork as one of the full-value nourish source. Amino acids are scarcely lay in stocks in animals, for that matter the balance ratio in nitrogen metabolism is determined by exogenous revenues.

We must pay constant attention to the problems of valuable protein animal nutrition and especially the young, because the body, which grows, is extremely sensitive to the lack of certain amino acids in the diet.

Feeding and meat quality of pigs – are basic and most valuable properties, from which essentially depends on the efficiency of production of meat. However, with the problem of meat and meat products is a problem of quality, including quality of carcasses.

In comprehensive definition of the quality of meat products the main attention must be focused at assessing the amino acid composition of the longest back muscle.

One of the important aspects of solving the problem of the quality of carcass is feeding animals with balanced rations based on protein feed. PVMS Minaktyvit goes with the feed factors that significantly affects on the quality of meat. This is new additive and in animal nutrition it hasn’t been used. Therefore, the study of amino acid composition of meat is extremely important.

Experiment consisted of comparative and base periods. Comparative lasted 15 days. During this period, the animals received balanced complete feed compound. In the base period of the experiment animalsfrom control group received diet with PVMS, animals from research group – as part of the grain ration PVMS starter Minaktyvit in an amount ofof 250 kg/t. Duration of feeding additives in such amountlasted 33 days. When reaching a live weight of 30 kg, the animals received PVMS hrouer Minaktyvit in the amount of 150 kg / t. Feeding duration lasted 50 days. From 60kg of live weight the research group has already received PVMS finisher Minaktyvit in the amount of 100 kg / t. The base period of the experiment lasted 145 days, after which a controlling slaughter was held and were taken away samples of the muscle tissue for the determination of amino acids in it.

Fortificationthe diets ofyoung pigs with PVMS Minaktyvit has no negative effects on feed intake and positively effects on the number of studied parameters.

Productive performance of feeding PVMS Minaktyvit manifested in increasing the average daily weight gain at 95 g, or 15,68 %.

The positive effect of feeding supplements appears onswine growth intensity from research group. The indicators of live weight proves this. The animals of experimental group increased absolute growth to 13,55 kg compared to control.

In the study of amino acid composition of muscle tissue of experimental animals is observed the probable increase in almost all fungible and some essential amino acids.

Overall in the muscle tissue of young animals, which eatPVMS Minaktyvit amino acid, content of amino acids increased by 6,12 mg per 100 mL compared to their counterparts in the control group.

Key words: PVMS, starter, hrouer, finisher, feeding, muscle tissue, amino acids.

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