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Efficiency of the use of feed additive of steady-state Iodine in feeding of cows

Dairy cattle breeding in Ukraine requires organization of such level of feeding of animals, that would provide their productivity at the level of 7500–10000 kg of milk. In the complex of measures on the production of competitive goods of animal husbandry an important link is an increase of efficiency of the use of nutritive substances of forage. To achieve this aim additives of biologically active compounds are used in feeding of agricultural animals. Mineral substances and Iodine take an important place.  
Iodine deficiency is the leading factor of craw disease and hyper function of thyroid. It is especially observed in young animals. At the deficit of Iodine in forage traditionally to the rations iodine potassium or sodium are added. Such compounds of Iodine are not stable, oxidize easily, as a result of what this element appears in an environment, as a result of what animals do not get necessary amount of element that negatively influences on realization of their genetic potential. Radical decision of this problem in creation and use of forage additives with steady-state Iodine that promotes the coefficient of assimilation of element.
The objective of the research was studying the efficiency of use of aluminium silicate iodine preparation in feeding of highly productive cows during the first 100 days of lactation on the basis of obtained average daily milk yield and conducted qualitative examinations of milk.
To conduct experiment three groups of cows of the Black-and-White dairy breed of the first lactation were chosen from Scientific Investigation center of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University of Bila Tserkva Region, Kyiv District. In a preparatory period, during the first 20 days of lactation, experimental cows were fed with identical rations.
A difference in feeding of highly productive experimental cows consisted only in that in premix of cows of tested groups iodine Potassium was substituted by steady-state aluminium silicate iodine to the 2-nd tested group 25 g/ t of mixed fodder and to the cows of the 3-d tested group 12,5 g/t of mixed fodder. Amount of clean Iodine in rations, as for the cows of the 1-st control group so for the cows of the 2-nd tested group was identical, and for the cows of the 3-d tested group was 50 % less.
Different forms and doses of feeding of Iodine were caused by not identical consumption of rough and juicy forage for tested cows in an experiment period.
So, from set 4 kg of alfalfa hay tested cows consumed 3,6–3,8 kg, from 20 kg of corn silage – 18,1–18,9 kg, from 10 kg of alfalfa haylage – 8,4–9,6 kg, and cows of the 1-st control group, accordingly 3,4 kg, 17,3 kg and 87,2 kg.
Average daily 4-% milk yields were the most for the cows of the 3-d tested group, aluminium silicate iodine was added to the rations – 12,5 g/t of mixed fodder. From the cows of the 3-d tested group during 80 days of the experiment 3584 kg of milk was received, from the cows of the 2-nd tested group – 3424 kg and from the cows of the 1-st control group – 3224 kg. Yields of 4-% milk prevailed control by 7,5 % in  the 2-nd tested group and by 13,3 % – in the 3-d tested group (P<0,001).
In the milk of tested cows increasing of fat content by 0,05–0,07 % was observed due to better supply rations with Iodine at simultaneously increasing of protein in the milk (3,21–3,22 % versus 3,2 % in the control group).  
Costs of fodders on one kg of milk were minimum for the cows of the 3-d tested group and resulted 0,68 to one kg of milk. In the 2-nd tested group – 0,69 and in the control group 0,72 per one kg of milk.
Thus, the best data of milk productivity of cows and less costs of fodders to the unit of products were obtained from the tested cows which received aluminium silicate iodine in account 25 and 12,5 gr/t of mixed fodder.
Key words: highly productive cows, aluminium silicate iodine preparation, fodder additive, steady-state Iodine, potassium iodine, microelements, average daily milk yields, protein, fat, fodder costs.
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