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The frequency of visiting the milking robot cows in lactation of all ages and levels of performance provided for voluntary milking

Given the voluntary milking we investigated the frequency of visiting the milking robot cows of Holstein breed of all ages and levels of lactation milk production.

Today the most promising area of milking equipment improving is believed to be the process of providing of the most comfortable animal state during milking. The intensity of milk production technology is based on the introduction of mechanic, automatic and computer processes. This causes the changes in technology of maintenance, feeding, milking and care of dairy cattle.

To date a robotic milking attracts many farms in Ukraine. One of the drawbacks of milking technology is it’s constructive imperfections of milking equipment, that has no any of elements of process control, milk obtaining and counting of volume of milk. Currently, the agricultural machinery market offers the most modern foreign machinery of leading foreign companies, as «Delaval» and Companies. Effective measures to improve productivity in dairy farming is a complex mechanization and cows milking, that are equipped with automated devices that control and regulate the process of milking according to the physiological state of animals, the quantity and quality of milk. With the development of automatic animals milking the means of mechanization of this process have undergone significant changes, both in principle of the release of milk obtaining, and in improvement of mechanization, and automation of certain operations, and organizations of milking process. New mechanized milking technologies are based on the stimulation of animals milk efficiency by creating and maintaining of a positive impact of external stimuli on conditioned and unconditioned reflexes of animals during the milking process.

Indicators of productive qualities of cows were fully defined by physiological activity of lactating body. Peculiarities of lactation give a clear specification to the changes in milk efficiency. It is proved that the young cows of

the I and II lactation period give milk in a lower volume than older cows. Cows of the III and IV-th lactation period and older are considered to be productive. It is found that the frequency of milking changes according to the physiological condition of the animal.

Thus, throughout the whole productive use the nature of physical yield of milk considering lactation period and is variable in nature. Physiological activity of the body is gradually increased to the fourth lactation period and then remaines almost constant. Therefore, with age physiological activity of the organism of cows on synthesis and secretion of milk, increases.

Given the age of voluntary milking cows in lactation has a significant impact on the frequency of visits to the milking robot.

Therefore, evaluation of frequency of visits to the milking robot for voluntary milking conditions shows that the age of the cows in lactation has a significant impact on its value.

Key words: holstein breed, frequency of visits, milking robot, productivity, voluntary milking system.

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