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Hematological parameters pregnant sows at feeding PVMA Intermiks

The program of feeding livestock Ukrainian company LLC «Interagrotekh» the newest advances in livestock, resulting in its products provide fast growth and efficient feed use due to optimal balance of required batteries. One of the new developments for feeding sows are PVMA Intermiks PS-7,5 % and the Intermiks LS-20 % and lactation piglets Intermiks «Bambino»-25 % and Intermiks SP-20 %. However, they require scientific substantiation for the next practical use.

The aim of research was to obtain scientific information on the state of morphological and biochemical parameters of blood at feeding pregnant sows new PVMA Intermiks PS-7,5 %.

Blood samples were taken from pregnant sows during scientific experiment on the study of economic efficiency in the diets of new PVMA Intermiks PS-7,5 %. In conducting this study on two groups of pregnant sows analogues – large white breed, average live weight 161 kg, after the age of second farrowing.

 Sows first (control) group received a diet of complete feed. And the second (researched) – 7,5 % of the mass of feed was replaced with a new PVMA Intermiks PS, made on capacities Ukrainian company «Interagrotekh».

Blood samples were taken 85 days sous gestating sows from four from each group and examined by conventional methods. Researches have shown that feeding pregnant sows PVMA Intermiks PS – 7,5 % ensures optimum condition of the structural elements of blood that can be seen from the morphological parameters. All of them are within the physiological norm. There are only a few changes within the same rules. Thus, in the blood of sows that consumed PVMA Intermiks PS – 7,5 %, there is a tendency to reduce lymphocytes (7 %), platelets (8,9 %), leukocytes (11,3 %) and monocytes (2,5 %). At the same time, incredibly increases the number of red blood cells (2 %).

Consumption of pregnant sows PVMA Intermiks – 7,5 % causes an increase in blood calcium (P<0,05), and iron (P<0,01). Also within two percent increases the amount of phosphorus and protein, 7,3 % colored indicator. Indicators albumin and alkaline reserve are at like animals in the control group.

Thus, the positive impact study PVMA Intermiks PS-7,5 % on hematological indicators confirming the working hypothesis that the variant in the developed part of PVMA was provided optimal level of protein, amino acids, vitamins, macro-and micronutrients, adequate to the state of pregnant sows. In this regard, the composition of the new PVMA included over thirty nutrition, including ten energy, mineral and vitamin nature. This is to some extent consistent with the new regulations for swine.

Unlike previous standards, nutritious diet is determined metabolic (exchange) energy (EE) in MJ/kg and power feed units (PFU), where 1 PFU = 10,45 MJ OE. In addition, the valuation put on threonine and tryptophan amino acids and trace mineral selenium. A study composition PVMA Intermiks PS-7,5 % is introduced and vitamins K3, H, B6, BC, PP, choline.

Up to 85 days gestation sows received a diet with three a mixture of corn (20 %), wheat and barley (36 %), accounting for 2,5 kg of feed per head per day (3,26 PFU). Feeding the mixture of PVMA Intermiks PS-7,5 % contributed to an increase in body weight during gestation sows by 9,3%, had a positive effect on pregnancy and subsequent farrowing.

Thus, feeding pregnant sows SS provides a level of 7,5 % hematological parameters within physiological norm.

Key words: pregnant sows, PVMA Intermiks, feeding, blood, morphological parameters, biochemical parameters,physiological worm.

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