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The impact of milk quality on the quality of the products made from it

Researching the raw milk that had been taken from under of the cows, from milk pipe, tank for milk cooling we found that the sanitary treatment of all equipment affects the quality of milk.

On the 1st day of the experiment after careful cleaning equipment total number of bacteria complies with ISO for milk harvested. It can be seen that on the 7th day of the experiment the number of bacteria increases. There is BGKP increasing dependence on different points of the process line starting from the udder of a cow treated with the same towel before milking for all cows and finishing with the cooling tank where milk is collected from all cows.

The growth of Staphylococcus aureus was identified at the beginning of the experiment in washings from the udder, the tank, and at the end of the experiment in all sampled points indicating a poor-quality sanitization of equipment and udder of cows. In the milk obtained from the udder at the beginning of the experiment Staphylococcus aureus was present.

Experiments to study the quality of pasteurized milk samples of which were collected aseptically from the pasteurizer on which pasteurization of milk was carried showed that in all samples of milk Staphylococcus aureus was absent as it is indestructible during processing at high temperatures. Number of MAFAnM in pasteurized milk taken from different points of processing line at the beginning and end of the experiment differed. A week later MAFAnM number was higher compared with the day of careful cleaning equipment. But despite this, the figure does not exceed the permissible level in pasteurized milk MAFAnM (100 thousand. CFU / cm3). Cole-titer is 10-2 cm3.

In the finished yogurt the content MAFAnM is not determind, Staphylococcus aureus was not identified, and data on the range of samples CGB yogurt the milk is produced selected from the udder of cows are normal throughout the period of the experiment. In yogurt made from taken from Milk, with hose and tank cooling at the end of the experiment this figure does not differ from the norm. This may indicate the killing of the bacteria in the finished products after pasteurization of milk it was made of. Thus, the presence of CGB in the produced milk does not affect the product that is made of it as the milk is pasteurized.

Shelf life of the manufactured product should not exceed 7 days. Therefore, it seems reasonable to investigate the quality of the product on the 7th day of storage. Herewith, the temperature in the refrigerator was 4 ± 2 °C according to the rules. During storage for 7 days Staphylococcus aureus was not found in yoghurt, and coli-titer CGB was identical to that set in fresh yogurt. This suggests that this group of bacteria do not develop during storage in yogurt if they are not available in the product immediately after its production.

Quality of technical equipment cleaning for getting milk affects both the sanitary hygienic indicators of raw milk quality we receive and the quality of the finished product produced from this milk. To improve the quality of milk one must carefully handle the udder of cows before milking; it is necessary to replace the worn-out parts of the line from time to time, such as hoses, milk pipe where the pathogens are accumulated and cleaning of these parts is technically impossible.

Key words: raw milk, udder, milk pipe, tank, milking equipment, careful cleaning, disinfection, tank for milk cooling.

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