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The influence of genotypic and paratypic factors on reproductive qualities of sows

The problem of providing the population with the food industry and meat of own production most of the world is solved by the intensive development of pig industry. For example, in the production of meat in the world pork accounts for about
41 %. The balance of meat in some European countries part of pork exceeds 60 %. The development of the pig industry are largely attributable to biological characteristics of pigs, their good adaptive abilities to the environmental conditions. It should be noted that as a result of high fertility, precocity, low cost feed from each sows by feeding her litter can be obtained for the year of 2.0–2.5 tons of pork.

However, to achieve such performance is only possible through ensuring physiological requirements of the body: full feeding and optimal living conditions. Modern, advanced technology of pig production involves the keeping of animals indoors, in the absence of exercise and walking. This management creates the conditions for a more intensive use of animals, full mechanization and automation of production processes. Therefore, animals should be provided with conditions that increased their performance and provided reactivity.

The management of mating and pregnant sows on a pig farm is quite a complex process. There are various ways of keeping animals in this technological group: group housing, individual housing, with or without bedding, with or without pasture, with artificial or natural microclimate and etc. Creating a comfortable environment is one of the main components at intensive technologies of breeding pigs. Reproductive quality, except breeding and aggregate genetic inclinations, is determined by the factors according to the content of the pigs biological characteristics. Taking this into consideration, a considerable interest occurs in studying the influence of management technology of pregnant sows on their productivity.

Thus, reproductive quality, in addition to breed and the population genetic inclinations, is determined by the conformity factors of management of the biological characteristics of pigs.

The aim of the research was to study the reproductive qualities of sows by different breeding methods and by different management technologies. Experimental studies were carried out on the farm APC «Agricultural firm «MIG-Service-Agro» in Mykolayiv region and on the PJSC "Breed-Stock Plant "Steppe" in Zaporizhya region. For this experiment three breeds of pigs were taken: a interbreed type of Duroc Ukrainian selection "Steppe" – DUSS, a Large White of Foreign selection – LW (FS) and a Landrace of French selection – L (FS).

Group of sows were selected on the principle of analogues, with taking into account their age, their life weight and origin. For this experience selected sows were divided into two groups, this selection was based on the dependence of the technology content. From the group of mating sows for insemination 20 heads of sows (2 or more farrowing) were selected to determine the performance of failed impregnation and fertility. After determination of gestation, sows on the second day were selected for further studies in the amount of 15 heads in each combination at different types of management. In the experimental group sows were kept under traditional management technology. In the mating period sows were kept in groups for 20 heads. After insemination within 5 days they were kept in individual stalls. Then before the onset of pregnancy and during the entire period of gestation sows were kept in groups for 15 animals in each stall. Within 7 days before the expected date of farrowing sows were transferred to the farrowing room, where they were kept in individual stalls. In the experimental group is mating, conditionally gestating, gestating, deep gestating and lactating sows during the entire period were kept in individual stalls.

Reproductive qualities of sows of the experimental groups depending on the way content was determined by the following indicators: the percentage of fertility, percentage of failed impregnation, multiple pregnancy, live weight of each piglet at birth and weaning (30 days), number of piglets in the nest at weaning and the preservation of litter.

The results of the research showed that the individual contents of empty and pregnant sows in stalls increases the fertility index by 5.8% (P>0,95), increased multiple pregnancy by 0.94 heads, number of piglets at weaning by 1.42 head (P>0,999), live weight at 30 days 0.7 kg as compared with animals of group method of management. Higher reproductive qualities of animals in the individual stalls for sows during the period of gestation suggests that the intrauterine growth of piglets have been given more favorable conditions, which influenced the decrease of embryonic mortality and further led to an increase in growth of piglets.

Key words: technology, type of management, breed, purebred breeding, crossbreeding, reproductive qualities.

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