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The influence of new easy-to-assemble premises for keeping calves at fattening
The results of the study of the impact of new space-planning and technological solutions of easy-to-assemble premises on the conditions of keeping and productivity of uncastrated bulls of Holstein dairy cattle at fattening.
In Ukraine along with attachable keeping it is used loose method of animal keeping in several modifications: loose keeping on deep mat indoors or outdoors, loose-boxed keeping with a solid and slit floor, loose keeping in stalls or cages. This method involves keeping animals in groups.
However, most progressive way is loose keeping calves on deep mat that gives the opportunity to place in the premises 30–50 % more animals, increase the charge on the operator to 1000 heads, mechanize processes of feed and manure distribution. Keeping calves indoors improves productivity and growing on deep mat reduces cost, power consumption and enables increasing the charge per employee. Taking into account critical situation of beef cattle production in the country and problems of cattle breeding development and the market formation of that category of meat it is not only economic but also social nature that demands a quick solution for the recovery of the industry, namely increase the number of beef cattle and construction of modern farms and cattle breeding complexes that have the technology and the level of production meet European requirements. That’s why the following tasks were set: to develop new solutions of easy-to-assemble premises and investigate the conditions of keeping their calves at fattening.
It was set that temperature conditions in the premises depend on the environment temperature. The most critical parameters to ensure optimum microclimate are winter and transitional periods. Therefore, assessment of premises were conducted at a temperature of 3,0+5,2 oС. The difference during 24 hours between environment and the temperature in the room was only one and a half degrees.
It was established that the presence in the room side curtains and light air edge enables increasing air movement versus known rules of technological design, and respectively, and the reduction of harmful emissions. Thus, the ammonia content in the new building was at 0.5–1.5 mg/m³, in 13–20 times less in compare with the standards and the content of hydrogen sulphide was 90 times lower than the maximum permissible levels.
Thus studies found that use of the design, construction and operation of new structural elements of easy-to-assemble premises ensures quality conditions of keeping calves at fattening. The peculiarities depending on air temperature in the easy-to-assemble premises versus environment temperature were set. The presence in the design of premises side curtains and light air edge is positive because it provides a low level of harmful gases indoors.
During fattening uncastrated bulls an important element of technology is their behavior, especially in the zone of the proposed placement of animals. It is important that uncastrated bul were less excited and more time relaxed.
Research has established that zone accommodation of uncastrated bulls effects positively on their behavior, 55.88% of the time of day the animals rest in the supine position. However, they are 26.26 % of the time of day in the supine chew the gym, indicating the comfort of their resting.
An important element of animal behavior is their physical activity. For animals at fattening it is desirable to reduce physical activity to increase live weight gain and reduce energy costs. Duration movement of the animals during the day was only 2.29 hours. That zone planning production area influences the calm situation in the group of animals.
Changing the stereotype of eating behavior that caused the violation of the daily routine and feeding regime leads to reduced productivity. Ethological investigations also showed that the time spent on daily diet intake was only 16.54 % of the time of 24 hours. This shows that the mode of feeding animals a diet structure, it’s energy and physical and mechanical properties fully meet the physiological needs of fatting calves. Feeding of experimental animals was conducted in abundance, mixture forage was given once a day.
Conducted research it was found that the implementation of all animal life forms did not exceed the limits of optimal and consistent biological standards. Adequate rest duration at fattening, low physical activity, intensive consumption of food, moderate sexual activity create good conditions for the energy storage of nutrients, better growth and development, meat productivity and payback of meat feeds.
It is known that the main indicator to assess any technology is the productivity of animals, which comprehensively reflects the advantages or disadvantages of the adopted technology. Therefore, assessing the new resource-saving technology of beef production, which is based on zone placing of calves on the premises of a new type, we studied the impact of new technologies on the of animals productivity in different periods of fattening.
We took bulls received from Black-and-White cows and Holstein dairy breeds, live weight at 6 months of age was 193.6 kg. Fatting calves successfully adapt to new technology and are characterized by stable and high productivity. Average daily gain for the period was 960 g. Analyzing growth and development rates of research bulls it was found that the highest rate of average growth animals aged of nine months – 1.04 kg.
The highest levels of average increases had animals aged of 15 months – 1.008 g.
Key words: fattening calves, easy-to-assemble premises, zone location, climate, ethological performance, productivity and physiological state of animals.
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