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An innovative approach for the identification tension teat cup liners

One of the conditions for the proper organization milking machine is monitoring the work of milking machines and equipment. The dynamics removing milk and cost of manual labor during machine milking exercise significant influence properties teat cup liner rubber milking cups length, elasticity, integrity and product design – shape, size and head hole sucker. Teat cup liner needs to keep milking cups on the teats of the udder, preventing their decay and creeping.

When milking stretched teat cup liner under periodic vacuum arises in the milking cup, stretched and compressed 50–80 times per minute for 5–6 hours per day and, as shown by recent studies the dynamics of change in the elastic properties and structural parameters teat cup liner after 10 days work, it is extended to 2–3 mm, changing its thickness and form elastic properties deteriorating, pressure vacuum closure is changed to 0,5–0,7 kPa of the original, and this affects the speed and duration milking. In addition, because of the very poor quality and heterogeneity the material from which made rubber, these changes occur irregularly in the milking cups a single machine. Therefore, the process of milking occurred normally necessary to conduct re equipment milking cups on vacuum compression teat cup liner and monitor its status over the life of.

Scientific and economic research (testing of the developed method and apparatus) conducted on the basis DPDH "Kutuzivka" Institute of Animal Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Kharkiv region on the national milking installation.

For daily use of a long and busy milking equipment on dairy farm an important factor for its success and profitability is a clear adherence milking and to avoid breakdowns or failures in milking machines.

For rapid and reliable determination of teat cup tension liner milking cups in a production environment prompted designed device.

The device consists of a reading device (watch type indicator) with a limit measuring up to 25 mm, case, fixation screw stop, the movable sleeve, the turning lever and fixed insert.

The device operates as follows: the device is ready for use (indicator reading clock type are in the home) is introduced in the middle teat cup liner rubber and placed in an upright position, with emphasis limits the depth input device. Swivel lever and fixed insert in contact with the inner surface of the rubber, thus determining its tension. Size is determined by the clock type tension rubber scale indicator.

An example of the proposed method for determining the tension teat cup liner milking cups are the results of measurements of tension set new sets teat cup liner milking machine ADU-1 and after a certain period of operation.

It was proved that with increasing lifetime teat cup liner milking machine ADU-1 from 0 to 4 months decreases the tension of 56–60 to 43–45 N. Maximum speed of milk is reduced from 2,0–2,1 to 1,3–1,4 l/min., and the average rate of milk from 1,7–1,8 to 0,9–1,0 l/min.

The proposed device and method proved their effectiveness in terms of production. They provide high precision and efficiency in obtaining suitable information need not to determine the material costs for rubber tension milking cups, provide information on tension teat cup liner, which is made with milk as compatible handset, and separately, after installing it in the milking cup and the operation of milking machines.

Implemented research and development will allow broader studies that focus on the technological process of machine milking cattle. The data will create the conditions to enable controlled interaction teat cup liner milking cups with the udder of animals.

Key words: machine milking, teat rubber, lactation performance, device, method.

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