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The latest volumetrically planned and technological solutions of premises for beef production
The latest volumetrically planned and technological solutions of premises for feeding cattle are developed and their efficiency defined.
The most acute today problem is to provide population needs for meet, especially for beef. This is because the number of cows in comparison to 1990 is decreased almost three times, beef sales for the past 15 years have decreased by 5 times. Already low daily gains of calves decreased by 20 %, and on average for Ukraine they are 250–400 g per day, which is three times less than in EU.
Low efficiency in this field is caused by old technology use for production, and therefore the labor costs of production is 20 times higher than the cost in European countries. The productivity of cattle to a large degree depends on the way of tits keeping.
Tethered cattle is the most spread way of nowadays keeping in Ukraine, used both by specialized enterprises and small farms. Reconstruction of farm for advanced technologies of feeding and growing cattle, new organization of work that takes into account the physiological state and productivity of livestock at this stage will allow to increase production of beef in Ukraine. Reconstruction of premises compared to new construction allows at a relatively small cost and with short-term period to increase productivity of work, reduce energy and resources in production, increase live weight gain of calves, return of fixed assets and profitability of production.
For the renovation of existing buildings of 21 m wide and 36 m long with tethered cattle we proposed loose method with zone placement of cattle, which suggests a zone for feeding and a zone for rest. Straw bedding is proposed for rest zone to make a comfortable bed, which is delivered periodically by technical means. To ensure high-quality indoor environment the light-aeration range and side curtains are proposed.
Under traditional beef production technology and a high concentration of livestock, there sharply arises the question of feeding process management, especially fodder preparation and dispensation. The existing at farms fodder workshops cause additional expenditures for fodder transportation and preparation. Therefore the reconstructed premises will use multifunction machines, providing loading and weighing of each ration component, its dosing, mixing, delivering and distributing of ready mixture, the so called “fodder combine”.
The proposed new volumetrically planned and technological solutions of premises for growing and feeding calves, rational area planning, providing each unit with feeding and resting areas, make comfortable conditions of keeping different age groups of calves.
Thus the live weight gain of calves at different periods of growing is increased by 10–15 %, and cost for food is decreased by 12–18 %.
Keeping calves in small groups of 20-40 heads decreases the labor cost for handling, in particular for feeding by 44.3 %. Under such technology the maintenance of one premise for 500 calves is provided by one farm worker. With food tables use, the cost for construction is decreased by 14%, labor cost for food residues removal is decreased by 4–5 times, and fodder losses are decreased by 18 %. Along with specified advantages, the food tables use allows not only to reduce cost, but to implement the new up-to-date technic for preparation and distribution of fodder.
Reconstruction of animal premises for growing and feeding cattle of 21 m wide and 36 m long, according to the designed newest volumetrically planned and technological solutions, ensures comfortable conditions for keeping different age groups of calves, increases their productivity and reduces labor cost for keeping and feeding calves.
Key words: reconstruction, volumetrically planned solutions, technology, feeding, beef, loose technology, efficiency.
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