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Melliferous lands soil acidity effect on Pb and Cd concentration in drone larvae homogenate

Drone larvae homogenate is used in bee- farming as feed additive. Free amino acids, minerals and other microelements contribute to bee-families vital functions stimulation, as well as to 15-20 days increase in bees life expectancy, up to 50 percent increase in females fertility. Also, the family power grows quickly which results in 15-18 percent increase of the family honey yield.

Application of these products for therapeutic purposes requires monitoring its quality and safety.

It has been proved that the intensity of heavy metals inclusion into the soil-plant-products circulation depends to some extent on the melliferous lands soil pH. However, the impact of this factor on the quality of drone larvae homogenate has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, the aim of our research was to study the influence of melliferous lands soil pH on the concentration of heavy metals in drone larvae homogenate.

The research was conducted under conditions of the Right bank steppes in Vinnytsa region. The research material was drone larvae homogenate produced by bees from buckwheat pollen. The research material was harvested from
the bee-families, located on two melliferous land grounds (№ 1 and № 2), the pH of the soil of these was within 4.7-4.9. Buckwheat was grown on these grounds, and its nectar and pollen was the raw material for the drone larvae growing. Lime had been introduced to № 2 land soil at the rate of 6 t / ha and the pH wash brought to 7.4 for the previous three years.

Drone larvae were sampled from bee families from each experimental field during the buckwheat flowering. Soil sampling was performed by the cover method. Formation of families was carried out according to the analog groups method. Drone larvae homogenate was obtained in the manner described V.P. Polishchuk, which included frames with the nine-day old drone larvae removal from the bee alveary and  shredding the larvae and infiltrating the obtained mass obtained. The mass was further poured into special vessels, numerated and then heavy metals content determination was carried out in the laboratory. Determination of heavy metals movable forms in bee pollen was carried out by atomic absorption method on AAS-200 device in the agrochemical laboratory of Vinnytsia NAU.

Heavy metals migration of in the soil → plants system results in accumulation of these substances in the pollen and nectar, which is the raw material for the production of drone larvae homogenate. Therefore, we can assume some of Pb and Cd accumulation in this product.

The obtained results showed some accumulation of Pb and Cd in drone larvae homogenate. However, it should be noted that exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of Cd and Pb in drone larvae homogenate was not found under both 4.9 and 7.4 soil pH of the melliferous lands. Thus, the concentration of Pb and Cd in drone larvae homogenate of the control group bee families was lower than that of maximum permissible concentration by 3.08 and 3.75 times respectively whereas the difference between the MPC experimental group and the actual concentration of was even bigger and amounted to 56.3 in Pb and to 10.7 in Cd in the similar products obtained from the control group bee families.

At the same time, it should be noted that Pb and Cd concentration in drone larvae homogenate obtained from the experimental group bees was lower than that  in the similar products obtained from the control group bee families by 18.3 and
2.86 times respectively.

Research results are reflected in the figure, also show some influence of liming acid soils bee lands on factor accumulation Pb and Cd in drone larvae Homogenate.

Specifically, Pb accumulation rate in drone larvae homogenate under conditions of 7.4 soil pH was 1.5 times lower in comparison with the similar products of the lands with the soil pH of 4.9. A similar pattern was observed in Cd. Thus, Cd accumulation ratio was 3.1 times lower in drone larvae homogenate under soil pH of 7.4 as compared with the same raw material obtained from the lands with  the soil pH of 4.9.

Therefore, liming acid soils in melliferous lands changed Pb and Cd accumulation rate and concentration in drone larvae homogenate which, in turn, promoted pH decrease from 4.9 to 7.4 and can find its further development in the high quality apiculture products under anthropogenic impact on the environmrnt.

Key words: lead, cadmium, drone larvae homogenate, soil, accumulation factor, lime fertilizers.


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