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Optimization of carp species breeding in polyculture technology for fattening pond farms


The purpose of the research is to optimize the technology of marketable fish breeding on pond farms having fattening areas of water surface.Hydrogen value of fattening ponds water pH during the season were within 6.5-8.1. The value of oxygen dissolved in the water ranged from 3.7 to 6.1 mg/l, which meets the  requirements for carp species breeding in ponds. Ingeneral, the temperature in fattening ponds met the requirementson carp fish breeding in ponds and matched the average long-term values of the area. Zooplankton in fattening ponds was represented withthe following taxonomic groups: rotifers, copepodsand crustaceans cladocera as well as with certain typesof invertebrates that spend some period of their life cycle in the water. The ponds benthos consisted of the representatives of Chironomidae family larvae. Fish cultivation control was carried out in the course of test fishing, carried out twice a month. Thecaught fish (various species) was counted, weighed and its average weight was measured. Pasture technology without carp feeding was used under growing fish in farms fattening ponds. Intensification measures such as ponds fertilizing and melioration were applied which influenced the increase in natural fodderbase indicators. Ponds of "Rybovod" farm are profitable but their profit is low and amounted to 13.4 % in 2014. Calculation of fish farms fattening ponds demand forlime, nitrogen, phosphorus and organic fertilizerswas carried using biological fish breeding standards. The amount of lime required to neutralize the acidity for the farm economy will be 2.75 tons per year under soil pH 5.5. General demand for fertilizers for fattening ponds will be as follows: organic – 27.5, mineral – 82 tons. Transferring from two years to one year fish breeding technology in fattening ponds under compacted landings to the mass of commodities is only possible when using feed or fodder Forage mixture. The total quantity of food to the growing 
season for carp reach 402 tons (at the value feed ratio of 3.5). While determining the the economy’s needs of feed one should take into account the fact that, according to existing fish-breeding biological standards, in case thefish is bred in polyculture cultivation, additional feed cost are expected for  herbivorous fish. Thus, up to 20 % more is expectedfor grass carp are ex-pected as compared to that for carp. General requirements of animal feed will be 482 tons. The following amount of fry should be purchased under the planned composition of fish for breeding in the polyculture – carp, hybrid of silver carp and grass carp: a year long bred carp – 3000 units/ha; silver carp hybrids – 1800 units/ha and grass carp – 50 units/ha. With the farm fattening ponds total area of 55 hectares 165 thousand units of a year long bred carp (4125 kg); 99 thousand units of year long bred silver carp hybrids (2970 kg) and 2,750 units of year long bred grass carp (82.5 kg) are to be purchased. The breeding in fattening ponds will result in yielding over 60 t of marketable carp with the average  weight of 500 grams and nearly 90 tons of silver carp with the average weight of 1200 g in a season. Also, additional 40 kg / ha of fish products can be obtained due to the grass carp. Thus, the proposed recommendations will enable to obtaine 1,555 thousand of marketable fish in fattening ponds of "Rybovod" farm annually, under 1,071 thousand of production costs. UAH, the net profit may reach 484 thousand UAH. Production profitability will amount to 45 %. 
Key words: fattening ponds, farm, carp, silver carp hybrid, grass carp, natural forage, morphometric parameters,a year breeding cycle, two-year breeding cycle, economic efficiency. 


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