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Influence of complex preparation Aminovit on the meat productivity of chickens-broilersP.
Industry of the poultry farming is able in the earliest possible date to provide consumer market of our country with inexpensive dietary chicken meat because the chicken has the quickest metabolic processes that promote intensity of their growth and shortest period of growing in compare to other types of animals.
Growing broiler chickens to complete mixed fodders, which constitute the basis of cereals and other vegetable feed ingredients of local production, reduces the cost of feed and poultry meat production. However, such basic components of animal feed as corn, wheat, meal, flakes, etc., during storage fat oxidation often occurs with formation of peroxides that destroy lipid structures of vitamins that reduce the activity of enzymes involved in lipid metabolism. More over during storage grain ingredients are damaged by mold components, including Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, leading to accumulation of a metabolite of aflatoxin B1, which has a strong hepatotropic action. As a result, birds disrupt digestion and assimilation of nutrients.
Improving the full feeding by applying highly effective feed additives that improve biological value and digestibility of dietary nutrients, allows to realize the genetic potential of the birds.
One of these supplements is complex preparation Aminovit, which was created by HL "Hamburger Lyaystunhsfutter" (Germany) and a mixture of vitamins, amino acids and selenium. The structure of Aminovit includs almost all known essential amino acids that are so in need of every living organism, so it is immune stimulant.
Based on conducted research on the effectiveness of the drug Aminovit it was found that adding the drug in water for broiler chickens had a positive impact on the safety of livestock and the productive quality of broiler chickens.
In the first two weeks of raising in the control group there were 7 dead birds, while in the 2nd and 3rd research groups there were 4 and 3 dead birds. Overall survival at the highest period of growth was in the 3rd experimental group – 98.5 % in the control and 2nd experimental groups, respectively 96.7 and 97.8 %.
Analysis of live weight in the groups shows that from the second week of growing in the experimental group observed a tendency to increase live weight gain. Thus the whole period of growing chicks biggest live weight (2283 g) was in the 3rd experimental group where Aminovit was given into the water at a dose of 0.35 g / L on day during two periods 1–7 and 21–28 days that was significantly higher (P ≤ 0.01), than in the control group. In the 2 nd experimental group increasing in body weight compared to control was higher by 112 g (P ≤ 0.05).
Drinking complex preparation Aminovit in experimental groups helped to reduce the cost of feed for the growing period (2.06–2.09 kg / kg), while in the control group (without preparation) feed costs amounted to 2.13 kg / of live weight. This, in our opinion, it shows better digestion and assimilation of feed in poultry from research groups.
Increasing the live weight of the third experimental group for increasing slaughter output 72.8 % compared with the control group (72.4 %) and the second experimental group (72.5 %). In the experimental group it was received more carcasses Category 1 (96–96.5 %) versus 95 % in the control group. It is significant increase in the yield of pectoral muscles versus live weight in the 3rd experimental group to 24.2 % versus 21.7 % in the control group.
It should be noted that the total effect of the preparation is characterized by increased livestock preservation, and daily average absolute increase in body weight, which helped to get in the 3rd experimental group and 294.4 kg in the 2 nd experimental group over 129.7 kg in the control group.
Additional costs for complex preparation Aminovit were: in the 2 nd experimental group – 47.46 UAH, in the 3rd experimental group – 66.4 UAH.
Taking into account the quantity of the preparation used, the cost of feed and the cost of the preparation overall cost for birds raising in the groups made up UAH 32.118.23 –in the control group 33694.96 UAH – in the 2nd and in the experimental group 35865.45 UAH. – In the 3rd experimental group.
After slaughter chickens from the 2nd and 3rd group 1510.9 and 1637.1 kg of meat were received, while from the control group – 1414.9 kg. At the same market price for 1 kg of meat – 26.95 UAH, from the 3rd experimental group the most revenue was received – 44,119.84 UAH, which is 5998.7 UAH more than in the 1st control group.
The most net income was received in the 3rd experimental group 8254.39 UAH to 7023.8 UAH, in the 2nd and 6002.91 UAH – in the control group.
The total positive effect of using complex preparation Aminovit at a dose of 0.35 g / l in periods of 1–7 days and 21–28 days provided receipt profitability of growing broiler chickens at 23.0 %, which was 4.3 % more than in the control group, where the preparation was not used.
Key words: broiler chickens, amino acid and vitamin nutrition, live weight, meat yield.
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