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Effect of exterior characteristics of cows-firsts on profitability in the conditions of robotized delivery
Production of cheap high-quality livestock products is possible only with the introduction of modern efficient technologies based on the complex mechanization and automation of processes and operations. In developed countries livestock production is a highly profitable business, which is based on the maximum introduction into the production process of the latest technical advances. Such implementations are most effective in large farms.
It is known that milk production technology for milk milking cows is the most complicated and responsible process. In the overall structure of the cost of milk production accounts for 70%. Therefore, given the complexity and complexity of providing a qualitative milking process, in many European countries robotic systems are developed and operated in many farms, where the process of preparation of cows for milking, namely milking and final operations are carried out without human participation. This technology is widely implemented, since its use significantly reduces the cost of labor. Such systems provide cow discharges according to their physiological needs and the maximum accumulation of milk in the udder.
The emergence of robots in dairy cattle breeding is a technical and technological breakthrough in the industry, bringing it to a fundamentally new modern level. The main problem in the way of the active distribution of robotic machines is their too high cost and lack of adaptation of cows of different age groups to the technology of milking.
The aim of the research was to determine the most optimal parameters of the main body measurements and nymphs of the first-born cows and their suitability for robotic milking.
It was found that the milk productivity of experimental cows also depended on body measurements. Highly productive cows had a better developed constitution and exterior, as well as, respectively, body measurements compared with less productive counterparts.
The results of researches showed that in the cows of group I the indices of the main nymph measurements differed significantly from the cows of the second group. So the length was dominated by 3.44 cm, 3.4 cm wide, 1.66 cm deep and 3.38 cm wide.
In experimental cows of both groups the distance indicator from the bottom of the vine to the floor exceeded half a meter, and the udder did not drop below the hopper joint, which corresponds to the technological requirements, makes it easy to serve during milking and protects it from infectious and mechanical damage during rest and active motions .
In cows of group ІІ there was a slightly larger distance from the bottom of the udder to the ground – by 0.15 cm, in comparison with the I group. As for the diameter of the anterior dyed, the second group of cows had a slight advantage – by 0.02 cm, and the diameter of the hind legs was the same.
Cows of group I for the voluntary milking system more often visited the milking robot in comparison with cows of group ІІ by 0.61 times. According to the indexes of the format, the relative size indicating the development of the udder, the cows of the I group were dominated by 0.60 and 0.81%, respectively, and by the index of the relative value of some cows
II group by 1.22%. The indicator of the volume of the udder in high-yielding cows was significantly higher compared to the low-yielding ones – at 3386.08 cubic centimeters. Cows of group I in 90.47 cases had vanilla-shaped form of udder and among them no individuals with atrophy of the udder particles were found. In the 2nd group, the number of cows with vanilla-shaped mustache was 87.14% and there was one case of partial atrophy of the udder.
II group by 1.22%. The indicator of the volume of the udder in high-yielding cows was significantly higher compared to the low-yielding ones – at 3386.08 cubic centimeters. Cows of group I in 90.47 cases had vanilla-shaped form of udder and among them no individuals with atrophy of the udder particles were found. In the 2nd group, the number of cows with vanilla-shaped mustache was 87.14% and there was one case of partial atrophy of the udder.
The formation of a herd and the selection of first-born cows on farms where robotic milking is used should be carried out not only in the origin of animals and in their own productivity, but also in the morphological characteristics of the body of cows and mummies.
It has been established that high productivity cows differed in the best development of the body and in larger measurements of the udder and more often visited the milking plant.
The most suitable for robotic milking are cows with vein-shaped mustache and length <40 cm, width <35 cm, depth <30 cm, distance from the bottom of the udder to the ground <55 cm, and also the distance between the faces: front <18 cm, rear < 8 cm, lateral <14. Such cows were marked by uniform, high tastes during the period, which indicates their best adaptation to robotic milking.
Key words: cows, robotic milking, exterior, body measurements, udder.
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