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We have investigated different ways of bees’ stimulation to lay protein food while using artificial honey combs. It has been proved that the use of artificial combs with the purpose of getting bee-bread upon the condition of the post-treatment processing of its elements by wax and honey syrup does not stimulate bees to lay and process protein food in its cells. It has been identified that upon the condition of the direct involvement of the working bees into the formation of bee-bread supplies the protein food has been mostly consumed. This proves that the working bees use the freshly-gathered pollen pellet for their own needs in the period of its active gathering. It has been determined that the most effective way of bee stimulation to reprocess pollen pellet into bee-bread is its single densifying in artificial honey combs with the follow-up processing of the upper layer of the feed by honey. This way encourages bees to form stocks of bee-bread and decreases their activity of consuming protein food from cells of artificial honey combs. It’s probable that the processing of thickened pollen pellet by honey oppresses the bees’ needs to consume protein food from the packed cells redirecting them to other honey combs of the bee family’s nest which has areas with bee-bread reserves.
Key words: ethnology of bees, bee pollen pellet, bee-bread, artificial honey combs, sections of the honey comb, working bees, bee colonies, stimulation.
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