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Change of activity of enzymes of energy metabolism of carp’s embryos at the actions of abiotic factors of water environment
It is investigated the effect of temperature fluctuations and content of soluble oxygen in natural waters on embryonic development of carp. It was found that the optimal water temperature limits for the development of carp can be defined in terms of the activity of key enzymes of energy metabolism, such as lactate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase.
According to the classical formulation Selye (1979, p. 27), "Stress is a nonspecific response to any request against it." According to modern concepts, stressors in the body of fish cause nonspecific responses that helps the fish to maintain homeostasis. Physiological responses to stress can be divided into primary (endocrine changes in the levels of catecholamines and corticosteroids) and secondary (changes related to metabolism, hydro balance, etc.). Tertiary changes (or changes at the level of the whole organism), such as growth rate, disease resistance and behavior can result from primary and secondary responses and may affect the survival rate.
Considering the development of a stress reaction in embryonic and early postembryonic periods of development it is necessary to take into account the specifics of this stage of ontogenesis. First of all, it should be noted that unlike adult fish morphogenesis processes and formation function of many organs in embryos is not completed. An important feature of the early stages of fish ontogenesis is the regulation of homeostasis, mainly at the biochemical level, even without control of the factors of the endocrine and nervous systems. Thus, during embryonic development there is a gradual process to connect to new regulation mechanisms and the changing role of existing (Barton, 2002; Nechayev et al., 2006; Chernyaev, 2007).
It is known that the temperature factor regulates metabolism, shaping, rate of individual development, determines the duration of stages in fish embryogenesis. Metabolism in fish occurs in specific temperature ranges and specific optimum for each species. Best results of eggs incubating appear when in the first half of embryogenesis low temperatures act, and in the second half – raise, but not going beyond the optimum. Low temperatures of optimal zone help to increase the growth of fish germs, and increased slightly reduce the growth but accelerate the development of the embryo. It is noted that with the increase in water temperature heartbeat of the embryo appears earlier. Increasing temperatures, especially during the formation of the hatching gland, causes the embryo out of the shells in the earlier stages of development. During the period of research was water temperature regime was in the following limits: min – 18.7 °С, max – 32.6 °С, the content of soluble oxygen: min – 4.2 mg / dm³, max – 8.6 mg / dm³. The daily average temperature of water differed between reservoirs on 0.5–0.8 °С. At what time in the morning the difference in temperature increased to 1.0–1.2 °С. Succinate dehydrogenase activity level indicates the degree of flow required energy metabolism depending on the stage of caviar and environmental conditions.
As the temperature increased enzyme activity SDG grows at all stages of embryonic development to a certain limit (21.5–24.4 °C). Since 25 °C enzyme activity fell sharply, due to deterioration of oxygen conditions and going beyond the limits of optimal temperatures in the environment. This consumes a significant amount of spare energy consuming substances that may affect the physiological state of embryos and significantly reduce the effectiveness of spawning fish in excess of the standards for the water temperature for each type of fish.
Changing the сorrelation of SDG / LDH upward to laсtate dehydrogenase and reduce succinate dehydrogenase activity demonstrates the displacement of oxidation restoration processes to anaerobic. LDH activity in embryonic tissues proves the deterioration of oxygen conditions in the reservoir. Thus, the optimal environmental conditions enzyme activity is always lower than at elevated temperature of water environment and lack of oxygen.
So, at the highest temperature range larvae average length was 7.4 mm and weight 1.1 mg. These larvae are characterized by a more rapid period of the embryonic stages of development. At the lowest temperature the length of the larvae reached 9.4 mm and weight 1.3 mg. Certainly such significant differences among the larvae can not affect their viability in the next stages of development.
Key words: carp, embryonic development, water temperature, soluble oxygen, lactate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase activity, stress, adaptation.
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