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Dynamics of reproduction of vermiculture in industrial conditions under the influence of Humilid
The article dedicates to the results of the study of impact of Humilid on the reproduction of the red Californian worm and the frequency of occurrence of vermiculture with different weights in the process of vermicultivation for 6 months.
The stadies were conducted under conditions of vermifarm of “Natural Biotechnology” (Zaporizhzhya), which is a producer of vermicompost, liquid humic drug and biomass of vermiculture. The object of research was a hybrid of red Californian worm. The nutrient substrate was a mixture of fermented manure of cattle and fermented sunflower husk (wastes of mashroom production) in the ratio of 9: 1. Clamps formed 5х0,5х0,15 m size and they were sown with vermiculture in the amount of 5-7 thousand average per 1 m2. Fresh substrate was distributed by layer of 7-10 cm across surface of the clamp. Once every 7-10 days it was watered. The room temperature maintained in the range of 21-24 0С, substrate humidity was the in the range of 65-78 %, which corresponds to the technological conditions of cultivation. Research clamps differed from control clamps by the presence of biologically additive "Humilid"[TU 15.7-00493675-004:2009] in an amount of 15 mg / kg of nutrient substrate, which was contributed once per month. Vermicultivation performed within 6 months.
There were taken spot samples of the vermiculture in the clamps with intervals of 45 days, of which were preparing medium samples and were recalculating their number per 1 m2 (square meter).On the 135th and the 180th days of our research there were defined the mass of the red hybrid Californian worm from the medium sample. The statistical calculation has been done with the help of the editor "Microsoft Excel".
At the beginning of our research work in control and research clamps in average were settled 7 thousand worms per 1 m2 . On the 45th day of the experiment the amount of worms has grown up on 13,9 % (р<0,01) in relation to control in the clamps, where were put biologically active feed addition of “Humilid”. Their number has increased by 2,1 times in the control group, and in the research group it has increased by 2,4 times in comparison with the beginning of our research. On the 90th day of the research the number of vermiculture beings has increased on 16,1 % (р<0,001) in the group, where we put Humilid to the nutritional substrate in relation to the control one. In comparison with the beginning of our research the number of the red hybrid Californian worm has increased by 3,4 times in the control group, and it has increased by 5,0 times in the research group. On the 135th day of the research Humilid in mixture with the nutritional substrate facilitated to the increase of the number of vermiculture beings on 19,7 % (р<0,001) in comparison with the control. At the end of the research (180 day) the number of vermiculture has increased on 21,1 % (р<0,001) in the group with the addition of “Humilid” in comparison with the control. At the same time the number of the red hybrid Californian worm in the research and in the control groups has increased by 16,9 and 20,7 times accordingly with the beginning of the research. Thus, the adding Humilid to the nutritional substrate has facilitated to the increase of the number of vermiculture beings. Possibly, such increase is connected with the growth and the development of the red Californian worm, and also with the activation of its reproductive function.
Besides, the research of the frequency of the occurrence of vermiculture with different mass has showed us that on the 135th day of the research in the control and the research groups the frequency of the occurrence of vermiculture with masses 0-0,20, 0,21-0,40, 0,41-0,60, 0,61-0,80 accordingly almost weren’t different. Concerning the end of the experiment the biggest number of the red Californian worm was 64,7 % with the middle mass 0,21-0,40 g from the total number of vermiculture in the research group. We consider, that it is connected with the growth of the number of the red hybrid Californian worm, that is the growth of the population density per 1m2 . Probably, the increase of the number of vermiculture beings in the research group is connected with the decrease of heavy metals in biomass of the red Californian worm under the influence of Humilid. Such growth of vermiculture can cause at the same time the bigger accumulation humic substances in biohumus in comparison with the control variant.
It has been found that Humilid in mixture with the nutritional substrate facilitated to the increase of the number of vermiculture beings on 21,1 % (р<0,001) according to the control at the end of the observation.
At the beginning of the observation Humilid doesn’t influence the division of vermiculture according to its mass. At the end of research the number of vermiculture beings with medium mass increases by 1,4 times in comparison with the control one.
Key words: biomass, vermiculture, Humilide, occurrence, accumulation, average mass.
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