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The effect of germanium supplements in goslings feed on their meat quality
In recent years, scientific research in the field of the development and experimental study of optimal norms of reasoning of the new microelements elements into the feed composition that had not been considered before but proved to have a significant effect on the poultry body has been conducted. Among priority elements there is germanium. Many scientists in the leading countries of the world have been interested in this microelement because of its biological diversity.
The purpose of research was to investigate the influence of different doses of germanium supplements in feed for geese on chemical composition, energy and biological value of their pectoral and thigh muscles.
Experimental materials were the goslings of Legart breed. Feeding the geese from one to 70 days of age was carried out by complete feed. In goslings feed in the experimental groups during the period of growing germanium was added in such amount mg/kg: the second group – 0,1; the third group – 0,2 and the fourth group – 0,3. Goslings control group received no supplement of germanium.
It has been established that the pectoral muscles of goslings in the experimental groups compared with the control group the dry matter content slightly increased (0,2–0,4 %) and was as follows: in the second group – 27,1 %, the third group – 27,2 and fourth group – 27,0 %.
The protein contents in young geese of the second and fourth experimental groups also dominated by 0,1 %, and third group – 0,3 % of their peers in the control group where a similar figure was 20,4 %.
The birds of the experimental groups had the fat contents in the pectoral muscle 0,2–0,4 % higher than that in the control group (3,3 %).
The ash contents in the goslings pectoral muscles in the experimental groups have also changed in the direction of increasing its quantity. The birds of the second and third experimental groups had the same figure - 1,3 %, the fourth group – 1,4 %. The difference compared with the control group was respectively 0,1 and 0,2 %.
Calculations made on the basis of data as for the chemical composition of meat have shown that the energy value of the pectoral muscles of young animals in the experimental groups was somewhat higher than the one of the young animals in control group (123,0–125,5 kсal/100 g versus 122,1 kcal/100 g).
The results of studies of the biological value of the chest muscles showed that the number of the ciliates raised in the samples of meat geese of the experimental groups was higher: in the second group – by 3,8 %, the third group – 4,3 and fourth group – 3,0 % in comparison with the amount of the ciliates raised in the control samples.
Thus, because of the higher level of germanium in the goslings feed in the experimental groups one could observe a trend to higher muscle delaying feet of dry matter – 0,1- 0,4 % compared with that of the control group (27,9 %).
The deposition of protein in the goslings femoral muscles of the experimental groups didn’t have a regular nature according to the microelement dose. Thus, the figure in the second experimental group was 0,2 % and in the third and fourth – 0,1 % higher than in the control group (20,1 %).
The contents of fat in femoral muscles of birds in the second experimental group increased up to 6,0 %, in the third group – to 6,3 and fourth group – to 5,8 %. The difference compared with the control group was respectively 0,4 %, 0,7 (P<0,05) and 0,2 %.
The slight increase of the ash contents of femoral muscles (at 0,1–0,2 %) occurred only in young geese of the third and fourth experimental groups. In the control and second experimental groups the figure was at the same level (1,1 %).
In the experimental groups goslings energy value per 100 g femoral muscle was also higher and amounted 141,1–143,0 kcal versus 138,7 kcal in the control group. However, a statistically significant difference was only in the third young geese experimental group where this indicator was 3,1 % (P<0,05) higher than that of their peers in the control group.
The obtained results as for the biological value of femoral muscles in the goslings experimental groups indicate that it has increased compared with the control group, in the second group – by 2,1 %, in the third group – 1,9 and in the fourth group – 1,1 %.
Thus, germanium supplements in feed at doses studied did not significantly influence the quality of goose meat, but had a positive impact on some indicators that characterize its nutritional and biological value. Taking into consideration the quality of meat, among birds of the experimental groups one should stress the goslings whose feed contained germanium in dose 0,2 mg/kg.
Key words: goslings, germanium, feed, protein, fat, ash, energy and biological value.
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