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The effectiveness of the biologically active additive «Activio» using when feeding young ducks
Agricultural poultry has a number of biological features: intensive metabolism and rapid growth, rapid maturity and significant reproductive potential, high body temperature, resistance to many infectious diseases, etc. The scientific article presents the results of an experimental study of the effect of the biologically active additive Activio, which contains essential oils of cinnamon, rosemary, oregano and chili pepper extract, on the productive qualities of young ducks. To realize the set goal, two experimental groups of ducks were formed: 1st group - Peking ducks, 2nd group - Cherry Valley ducks, which were fed the drug Activio as part of a complete and balanced diet in terms of nutrients and energy, at the rate of 100 g ha 1 t of compound feed . It has been established that the introduction of the drug Activio into the diet of young ducks contributes to the increase in feed consumption, live weight gains and the survival of ducklings, which is primarily due to the fact that the essential oils of cinnamon, rosemary, oregano, chili pepper extract have positive, stimulating biological effects. improve the functioning of the digestive, immune, nervous systems and musculoskeletal system. During the breeding of poultry, an important indicator is the average daily feed consumption, which according to the data of the article in the period from 1 to 7 days was 27.15 g/head/day in the ducks of the first group, and 28.41 g/head/day in the ducks of the second group, and in the period from the 22nd to the 28th day, the value of the average daily feed consumption is 259.36 g/go/day in the first group, and 270.36 g/go/day in the ducks of the second group. The use of the drug Activio did not have a negative effect on the body of young ducklings and made it possible to realize the genetic potential of the productivity of ducks, which was more clearly expressed in the young ducklings of the Cherry Valley breed, which was obtained on the basis of Peking ducks through in depth selection using the paternal line 151 and maternal line 102 and has higher growth energy compared to Peking ducks.
Key words: ducks, Peking breed, Cherry Valley, feed supplement, «Activio», gains, live weight, preservation.
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