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The Efficiency of the fodder additive use of the vermiculture during the cultivation of hunting pheasant
One of the most important issues in livestock and poultry farming is the deficiency of proteins in feed rations. One way of providing bird with natural organic protein is the use of a red Californian worm biomass as fodder additive that can be obtained by vermicultivation. However, the information as for the use of such protein supplements in fattening birds, especially young pheasants, is very limited. Within this context, it is a current need to study the effect of feed supplement vermiculture, which was obtained from the biomass of red Californian worms in the result of influence of the biologically active additive "Нumilіd", which was added to young hunting pheasant fodder.
For the experiment, there were used pheasants from daily to 35-day age, it was formed 4 similar groups: control and three experimental (50 birds in each group). From the first day to the twenty-first and from the twenty-second to the thirty-fifth day the experimental groups of phesant received the main feed with the content of crude protein 24.5% and 21.1%. The experimental group of birds had the feed supplement of the vermiculture, which was obtained from the biomass of red Californian worms grown on a substrate containing Нumilіd. Withing the period of adding dried vermiculture biomass, we used a weighting method and multi-stage mixing.
Thus, during the first week of pheasants’ life the first experimental group was getting 0.75 % of the feed supplement from the main feed, the second week – 1.5 % (0.75–1.5 %). The bird of the second experimental group received a feed supplement during the first week in the amount of 1.5 %, in the second – 2.5 % of the feed (1.5–2.5 %). Рheasants of the third experimental group aged from 1 to 7 days added a feed supplement of vermiculture in the amount of 2.0 %, in the second - 3.5 % of feed (2.0–3.5 %).
It was established that the addition of pheasant of fodder additive vermicultures in the amount of 0,75-1,5 % in addition to fodder contributed to body weight gain in the 7th-day-old age by 1.2%, 14 – by 2.7 %, 21 – by 3.0 (p˂0.05), 28 – by 4.0 (p˂0.05), and in 35 – by 3.3% relative to control. It is determined that the average weight of pheasants, which was added to the feed, was added to the feed supplement of vermiculture in the amount of 1.5–2.5 %, was higher at 7-day-old age by
4.4 %, and 14 – by 7.0 (p<0.01), 21 – by 8.6 (p <0.001), 28 – by 8.2 (p <0.001) and 35 – by 11.9 % (p <0.001) relative to the bird's weight of the control group. It was established that against the background of application of biomass of vermiculture in the amount of 2.0–3.5 % in pheasant feeding, there is an increase in the weight of the bird body at 7-day age by 5.7 %, in 14 – by 9.6 (p<0.001 ), in the 21-, at 9.5 % (p<0.001), in 28 – by 9.3 (p <0.001) and 35 – by 13.3 % (p <0.01) in the age group periods correspondingly to control. It has been established that when аddition of fodder supplement of vermiculture to mixed fodder, in the amount of 0.75–1.5 % contributed to an increase in body weight at 7 days of age by 1.2 %, 14 % by 2.7 %, 21 – by 3 0 (р˂0.05), 28 – on 4.0 (р˂0.05) and in 35 – by 3.3 % with relatively to control. It is is established that the average weight of pheasants, which added fodder supplement of vermiculture in the amount of 1.5–2.5 %, was higher at 7-day-olds by 4.4 %, and 14 – by 7.0 (p<0, 01), 21 – by 8.6 (p<0.001), 28 – by 8.2 (p<0.001) and 35 – by 11.9 % (p <0.001) relative to the bird's weight of the control group.
It was established that against the background of application of biomass of vermiculture in the amount of 2.0–3.5 % in pheasant feeding, there is an increase in the weight of the bird body at 7-day age by 5.7 %, in 14 – by 9.6 (p <0.001 ), in the 21-, at 9.5 %
(p <0.001), in 28 – by 9.3 (p <0.001) and 35 – by 13.3 % (p <0.01) in the age group periods correspondingly to control.
The addition of vermiculture supplements to poultry feed in the amount of 1.5–2.5 % contributed to the highest growth (9.9 times) of the average body weight of pheasants in 35-day-old age versus day-time, and this figure was higher by 10.0; 2,0 and 3,1 % in comparison with the control group and pheasants, which added the feed supplement of vermiculture to the mixed fodder in the amount of 0,75–1,5 % and 2,0–3,5 % respectively. At the end of the study, the average body mass of the pheasanat was 35- day-old, adding 1.5–2.5 % of the feed supplement of vermiculture to the mixed fodder was 212.44 g, while at the same time in the poultry receiving 2.0–3.5 % This additive was 215.4 g and was 1.4 % higher, but the difference was not likely. Adding a feed supplement of vermiculture to fodder feed pheasants promotes the growth of the body weight of the bird, which may indicate the activation of protein metabolism in the body of animals. In the experimental groups of pheasants, to the fodder which in the first week added vomiting additive in the amount of 0,75, 1,5 and 2,0 %, in the second - 1,5, 2,5 and 3,5 %, respectively, the growth of average mass the body of poultry and at 35 days their weight was greater by 3.3, 11.9 (p <0.001) and 13.3 % (p <0.001), respectively, in relation to control.
Thus, in order to activate the growth and development of young pheasant, it is necessary to feed the feed additive of vermiculture, which is obtained from the biomass of red Californian worms using Gumilide from 1 to 7 days in the amount of 1,5 %, and from 8 to 14 days – 2.5 %.
A promising research direction is the study of the effects of vermicular feed supplement obtained from biomass of red Californian worms grown on a substrate containing Нumilіd on egg productivity and quality egg performance.
Key words: feed supplement of vermiculture, Нumilid, pheasant, average body weight, poultry.
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