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The evaluation of efficiency of different sorbents use in feeding domestic chickens
It is investigated The efficiency of the use of various sorbents in the feeding of chickens of Redbro breed. It is studied the influence of saponite and zeolite on the concentration of lead, cadmium, zinc and copper in the white and red poultry meat. It is determined the allowable concentration maximum of lead and cadmium in the white and red poultry meat under their keeping at home in the central forest-steppe of Ukraine.
The use of saponite in the feeding of chickens contributed to the increase of lead content in the red and white poultry meat by 1.42 and 1.05 times, while the cadmium content by 1.25 and 1.37 times, respectively. At the same time, it was observed a decrease of the zinc content by 3.1 and 1.13 times, as well as the copper content by 1.54 and 1.21 times.
With the use of zeolite, it was observed an increase of the cadmium content in the white meat by 1.87 times and a decrease of the zinc and copper contents by 3.3 and 1.03 times, respectively. The concentration of lead remained unchanged. The lead content increased by 1.3 times and that one of cadmium by 1.87 times in the red meat, while the zinc and copper contents decreased by 1.08 and 1.87 times, respectively.
The analysis of the results of the research as for the efficiency of the use of various sorbents in the feeding of chickens showed that their use in the diet of chickens under their keeping at home varied differently in the intensity of the accumulation of lead, cadmium, zinc and copper in meat.
In particular, when we used zeolite in chickens’ diet, the concentration of lead in the white meat did not increase, whereas the concentration of zinc and copper decreased by 3.3 and 1.03 times. The concentration of cadmium in the white meat increased by 1.87 times with the use of zeolite. When we used saponite, the concentration of lead and cadmium in the white meat increased by 1.06 and 1.25 times respectively, while the concentration of zinc and copper in the white meat decreased by 3.1 and 1.21 times, respectively. The use of zeolite in the feeding of chickens also increased the concentration of lead by 1.3 times and of cadmium by 1.87 times in the red meat. According to this, there was a decrease in the concentration of zinc and copper in the red meat by 1.08 and 1.87 times, respectively. While using saponite in the chickens’ diet, the concentration of lead and cadmium in the red meat increased by 1.42 and 1.37 times. At the same time, it was observed a decrease in the concentrations of zinc and copper by 1.13 and 1.54 times, respectively. There was a tendency to increase the lead and cadmium contents in meat and to decrease the ones of zinc and copper while feeding poultry with zeolite and saponite under their keeping home.
The use of such sorbents as saponite and zeolite in the feeding of poultry has not made it possible to reduce the concentration of lead and cadmium to the maximum allowable levels. In the majority, there was an excess of lead and cadmium contents in the poltry meat. Thus, the lead concentration in the white meat, obtained from the chickens while using saponite in their diet, was by 1.04 times higher compared with the maximum allowable levels. While feeding zeolite and saponite, the content of zinc in the white meat was lower than the maximum allowable levels by 13.2 and 5.3 times, and that of copper by 12.5 and 6.2 times, respectively. The content of cadmium in the white meat was by 3 and 2 times higher than the maximum allowable concentrations.
A similar trend was observed in the red meat. When feeding poultry with zeolite, the concentration of lead and cadmium in the red meat was higher than the maximum allowable levels, that is by 1.1 and 6.0 times, respectively, while it was higher by 1.2 and 4.4 times when using saponite.
The results of the research showed that the accumulation of heavy metals in the red meat of poultry was higher than that of white. In particular, while using zeolite in the diet of chickens, the concentration of lead in the red meat was higher by 1.12 times, of cadmium by 2.0 times, of zinc by 4.5 times and of copper by 17.8 times. While using saponite in the chickens’ diet, the concentration of lead in the red meat was by 1.15 times, of cadmium by 2.2 times, of zinc by 4.0 times and of copper by 1.7 times higher compared with the white meat.
Key words: heavy metals, lead, cadmium, white meat, red meat, chickens, contamination.
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