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Formation of natural fodder due to plankton communities in experimental ponds of "Skvyra Fish breeding farm" during growing local carps
To maintain fisheries in the inland waters, it is important proper formation of natural fodder for cultivation facilities. Defining technology of fish feeding, or combined fodder mixture, forming diet, etc., have to be based on the results of hydro biological studies. The share of natural forage organisms in the pond for growing carp species should be at least 20 % of the total consumption of feed during the growing season, which at current expenditure on artificial feed can significantly reduce the cost of fish-breeding products.
The selection and processing of samples for hydrochemical analysis was carried out by the Alokina O.A. method. Hydrobiological studies were conducted each decade during the growing season of cultivation by the Zhadina V.I. method.
In order to conduct reliable comparative of carp cultivation of different origin, a method of common control was used, which in recent years has been widely used in practical breeding work. Carps of Ukrainian scaly species were used as a control group with a total planting density of 30 thousand of samples per hectare. Stocking ponds with three-days old larvae was conducted in June 6, 2016.
Water in the cultivating ponds began collecting two days before stocking. Before water gets into the pond, it water passes through the filter, in order to avoid entering into the ponds low-grade fish fauna and other unwanted aquatic organisms.
By the classification of O.A. Alokin the water in the research ponds of "Skvyra fish breeding farm" belongs to hydrocarbon class of calcium.
The dynamics of zooplankton during the growing season has been quite stable. Intensive development of natural fodder at the beginning of the season was due to the influence of organic fertilizers and little influence of grown fish. Further, the build-up of biomass of fish in ponds, forage was used in a large amount that led to its gradual decreasing.
Zooplankton of research ponds consisted mainly of representatives of the most common species of Cladocera (Daphniamagna, D. longispina, Moinarectirostris, Bosminalongirostris), Copepoda (Cyclopssp.).
Describing the quantitative development of zooplankton in experimental ponds it should be noted that in May the number of cladocera crustaceans in ponds was 380.5; 415.2 thousand of samples/m3 at biomass 9.1; 7.9 g/m3 respectively.
In most cases in July it was noted a reduction of the number of cladocera crustaceans, but the number of copepods was growing. In general in this month zooplankton in the ponds was well developed. The amount reached 787.2; 730.2 thousand of samples/m3 at biomass 9.97; 9.33 g/m3 according to the ponds. On average biomass of zooplankton in the ponds investigated during the fish breeding was: 10.56; 9.92 g/m3 for the number 732.2; 732.5 thousand of samples/m3 respectively.
Study of the species composition of phytoplankton showed that it was submitted, diatoms (6 species), green (5 species), blue-green (47 species), euglenids (2 species), yellow-green (1 kind ) and gold (3 species). The mass development of blue-green algae was in late June – early July. This cyanobacteria accounted for over 90 % of the total biomass of phytoplankton. They were presented by Aphanizomenon flosaquae accompanied with Microcystis aeruginosa, Anabaena flosaquae and Phormidium frigidum.
The number of microalgae in the research ponds during the month of growing period was relatively stable. In the development of algae in water traced a clear seasonal trend. Seasonal algae growth begins in May and ends in September. The lowest number of indicators of phytoplankton was in the early spring (March, April) and in the middle of autumn (October). The largest number of phytoplankton cells was in August and averaged 20.5 thousand of cells/ml and the lowest – in May (2.8 thousand of cells/ml).
In general, analysis of temperature, hydrochemical and hydrobiological regimes of experimental ponds showed that they were favorable to the growth of fish. The prospect of further research is to study the hydrobiological regime for fish breeding ponds in the second and third years of life.
Key words: ponds, natural forage, phytoplankton, zooplankton, hydro-chemical indicators, local species of carps.
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