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The genetic trends estimation for economic traits in the main dairy cattle breeds of Ukraine
The article is devoted to the genetic trends estimation for economic traits in the main dairy cattle breeds of Ukraine.
The BLUP ("animal model") method, that’s the most acceptable model for Ukrainian conditions and it has bee used for the evaluation of the bull and cow breeding values. The model includes such environmental factors as: the same age group, a combination of herds, year, calving season, calving age and lactation number. According to the obtained genetic trends, since 2007 until 2015 Ukrainian Black-and-white, Red and to some extent Holstein breeds had had the genetic potential increasing of milk productivity. But there has been a reverse tendency for Ukrainian Black and white dairy cows in the quantity and quality of milk production. At the same time Ukrainian Black-and-white breed has a stable genetically determined decrease in the level of reproduction. Red Ukrainian and Holstein breeds have almost the same level of reproduction. Red-rye Ukrainian breed has less calving interval. There had been a positive tendency of the longevity increasing since 2000 until 2015. The highest peak of longevity for Holstein breed was in 2002 and then there was a decrease. But since 2005 there has been a good tendency. Ukrainian Black-and-white dairy breed had had the peak of longevity since 2006 until 2009. As there had been the longevity increasing, also there had been the decreasing of this train. Since 2007 there has been an increase tendency of the same trends
Key words: dairy cow, economic traits economic traits, genetic trend, breed value, BLUP, animal model.
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