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Impact of probiotic complex with enzymes on productiveness and quality of animals products

Animals and poultry productivity, quality of meat and milk and eggs depends on the physiological state of animals. It, in its turn depends on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and composition of intestinal microflora. The digestive system of pigs poorly adapted to the digestion of plant foods because they often have frequent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This results in a lag of animal growth, and as a consequence violates entire technology of raising and fattening pigs or even the death of animals. The complete pigs feeding is very importan in the age when the digestive system is rebuilding from mother's milk to dry fodder.

To improve the digestion of feed by pigs the enzyme supplements are added. Enzymes are produced by most animals or microbes that are found in the gastrointestinal tract. Despite this, the efficiency of digestible process reaches 100 %.

In the body of pigs the nutrient absorption of food is only 15–20 %. The enzymes adds and probiotic supplements in feed enhance the efficiency of the digestive system and digestibility of nutrients to compounds that are easily absorbed by animals.

The research results of probiotic complex with enzymes show impact on the piglets maturity and growth during the weaning period from 30 to 77 days of age and their further meat productivity.

To solve this problem scientific and economic research at industrial complex "Demis-Agro" in Dnipropetrovsk region was conducted. The large white breed piglets at the age of 30 days of old were selected. It was formed 2 groups of 30 animals in each: control and experimental, with an average body weight of 7,2 kg. Animals were of the same breed, age and live weight. The experimental animals were in the same housing conditions. Piglets of control group were fed with usual complex feed and the piglets’ diet of experimental group included 0,2 % of the Batsell complex.

Biological feed additive Batsell is a probiotic complex with enzymes obtained from solid-phase fermentation of microorganisms with cellulolytic and probiotic effect that taken from the alimentary tract of ruminants (elk) and birds (grouse).

Feed complex Batsyll has the following ingredients: multienzymes complex with cellulolytic, amylolytic and proteolytic effect; natural complex of live cellulolytic and lactone acid bacteria; live probiotic bacteria Bacillus subtilis 8130.

It is believed that Batsell is a product that must be used, because it:

- improves the digestibility of sunflower cake;

- does not reduce the body's ability to produce its own enzymes.

Research results showed that live weight of experimental pigs of 77- days of age was higher by 5,6 % and average growth by 8,7 %. At the end of the research live weight of experimental piglets was 27,1 kg, and the live weight of control pigs was 25,2 kg, which is by 7,5 % higher. The average increase was respectively 415 and 379 g, the difference was 9,4 %.

In determining the cost-effectiveness of probiotic complex with enzymes Batsell it was established that the use of it brings additional profit in amount of 33,0 USD per one animal, and 930 UAH per all livestock.

During a control slaughter, followed by carcasses deboning to determine the morphological structure, it was noted differences in slaughter and meat properties.

So, group of experimental animals were significantly (P>0,95) better than control animals in carcasses length by 2,6 cm or 2,8 %. Significant (P> 0,99) difference in size of "muscle cells" is set to benefit the experimental group animals was an average of 2,2 cm² or by 7,2 %.

The animals of the experimental group that were fed by probiotic complex with enzymes Batsell average meat carcasses increased by 6,1 % and fat content decreased by 15,2 %.

Summarizing the results, we can conclude that use of Batsell in piglets feeding has positive impact on their growth and maturity during the weaning period and leads to improvement in meat quality.

Key words: probiotic complex with enzymes, piglets, diet, live weight, average daily gain, meat productivity.

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