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Improvement technology for semi-finished meat/fish products

This paper presents a study on technology improving for meat and fish products by a combination of white and red broiler meat, fish, vegetable raw fish gel to improve functional and technological characteristics of the semi-finished products.

To ensure normal functioning of the body its food must include essential substances. These are the essential amino acids, vitamins, some fatty acids, minerals and trace elements.

One of the types of non-traditional raw materials for the meat industry is raw fish. Raw fish as quickly digestible feedstock is rich in proteins, vitamins A, E, C, PP and group B, as well as macro- and trace elements such as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc and others. These elements are useful to regulate sugar metabolism in blood and help to remove toxins from the body, as well as prevent the occurrence of cancer. A combination of these products with the warm-blooded animals feedstock is expedient since they can be properly combined to create a complete product.

The production technology of structured food products is based on the realization of the functional properties of raw ingredients that while processing are capable of forming a structured system.

To give food a suitable consistency, we use protein containing food additives and fillers. We use their ion-exchange properties and the ability of polysaccharides to form thermostable gels with a given structural, mechanical and hydrodynamic parameters. Among them is the sodium alginate (AlgNa).

Materials for development of combined meat and fish semi-finished products, based on meat, fish and vegetable raw materials with high technological characteristics are made with the use of fish gel.

Research on the development of new kinds of semi-finished meat and fish makes it possible to develop new recipes for meat and fish burgers and technology of their production with the use of fish-based gel of sodium alginate.

It was determined that the rational part of the fish in the gel formulation of meat and fish semi-finished products should be 10–20 % and the total share in the formulation of raw fish – 10–17 %, allows to achieve high structural, mechanical, functional and technological parameters of the soft semi-finished meat and fish products.

The need for protein depends on the organism, living conditions, working conditions and diet characteristics, which is determined by amino acid composition of the protein, its availability to the digestive system, the presence of a complex of vitamins and minerals, sources of energy, fat, carbohydrates and dietary fiber.

The result of insufficient protein intake makes anabolism and catabolism imbalance and results with destruction of personal body proteins and protein enzymes. This primarily affects the tissues and organs proteins at high speed, including the intestines, blood-forming organs.

Combining meat containing products is a combination of food production technology with the microbial and herbal supplements with expressed functionality.

Meat and meat products is important food because it contains all the necessary substances to the human body: proteins – 16–21 %, fat – 0,5–37 % carbohydrates – 0,4–0,8 % extractives matter – 2,5–3 %, minerals – 0,7–1,3 %, enzymes, vitamins A, D, E, B (B1, B2, B6, B12). The raw materials for the production of meat and meat products are: cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, wild animals, rabbits, horses, poultry.

Now, there were intensively developed new composite foods that contain, along with raw meat, other raw animal and vegetable origin products. Unfortunately these products do not always have high quality. To expand the range of quality products, the domestic and foreign scholars are conducting research on the use of alternative raw materials, creation and improvement of scientifically based technology for quality food.

Meat Fish is an important source of complete protein, which are necessary for the construction of cells of the human body (albumin – soluble in water, globulins – soluble in weak solutions of salts and acids and certain complex proteins containing phosphorus). Fish proteins are digested more easily than meat protein. Muscle meat of fish compared to softer and softer as collagen (protein fish connective tissue) are less resistant to heat and quickly turns into glutin.

Physiological intake of fish and fish products can not be considered and assessed without regard to size and actual consumption of meat of warm-blooded animals, its products, and other products that are a valuable source of animal protein.

The widespread use of sodium alginate is based on its unique ability to form stable gels in the presence of calcium ions. For example, 5 grams of high sodium alginate transforms 0,47 liters of water in a gelatinous mass. Sodium alginate is used in confectionery and emulsion type products. At concentrations of 0,1–0,2 % sodium alginate added to sauces, mayonnaise, cream, meat and so on. The world is producing almost 300 names of products based on alginic acid and its salts. The food industry uses nearly 10 % of produced sodium alginate.

The main properties of hydro colloid stabilizers include: the ability to gel; increasing products viscosity and to reduce the syneresis risk; structuring and seal food mixes, improving their organoleptic characteristics; increasing liquid binding capacity of food mixes; improving the nutritional value of food and calorie reduction; increasing storage duration; increasing the output of finished products from raw material, and thus reducing the cost of finished products.

Research on the development of new kinds of meat and fish semi-finished products makes it possible to develop new recipes for meat and fish burgers and technology of their production with the use of fish-based sodium alginate gel.

Key words: poultry, alginate, fish gel, semi-finished products.

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