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The Influence of feeding of polyacrylamide and mineral-vitamin supplements on growth indices and digestivity of nutrients of young food in young
The effect of feeding polyacrylamide (PA) and mineral-vitamin supplements (MVD) on the average daily gain, hematological parameters, nutrient digestibility in pigs, metabolism of nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, copper, zinc and manganese at the age of 4.5 and 7 months. Polyacrylamide and mineral-vitamin supplements were introduced into the diets of pigs of experimental (2–4) groups, taking into account the actual presence of mineral elements and vitamins in feed and the needs of animals in them.Young animals of the 2nd group were fed polyacrylamide at the rate of 0.5 g per 1 kg of live weight; 3rd group - mineral and vitamin supplements g per ton of feed in the following quantities (mg): iron sulfate - 117, copper carbon dioxide - 36, zinc - 203, cobalt - 8, manganese chloride - 133, potassium iodide (stabilized) - 0.4 , vitamins A - 917 million IU, D - 133 million. IO, E - 972 million. IO B1 - 270, B2 - 6, C - 2250; Group 4 - polyacrylamide and mineral and vitamin supplements in the above quantities. Studies on young pigs were conducted in 2 stages: the equalization period (25 days) - the diets of piglets in the control and experimental groups are the same; main period (150 days) - animals of the control group were fed standard feed, and the experimental was given additional PA and MIA. For use in the diets of young pigs, the above additives, there was an increase in animal immunity due to increased gamma globulin in blood proteins, an increase in average daily live weight gain by 21.4 - 23.3% during the period of growing and fattening pigs, better use of animal feed , a positive effect on slaughter products.
Key words: young animals, polyacrylamide, mineral elements, vitamins, albumins, globulins, live weight, rearing, fattening, feed consumption metabolism, slaughter yield.
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