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Influence of para-aminobenzonic acid (PABA) and mineral pallets on growht, develipment of suckling piglets and quality of colostrums and milk of sows
A considerable attention was always paid to the biotechnology of balanced and normalized feeding of pigs of all ages. Providing rations of such biologically active substances as vitamins, macro- and micronutrient elements should be included to biotechnology of feeding, besides energy and protein nutritional diets of pigs, which affect the functions of the body and form reproductive and productive features of these animals.
The researches of the scientists have shown that the use of B vitamins and minerals in feeding pigs supports necessary metabolism in their body and enhances fuller use of feed nutrients. With high sows productivity parameters of feeding biotechnology, in particular the need for vitamins and minerals, are much higher. The lack of vitamins and minerals in pigs’ diets reduces the reproductive qualities of sows and productivity of pigs of other technological groups. In recent years, some scientists have proposed to use para-aminobenzonic acid (PABA) as a part of biotechnology of feeding pigs. PABA – is vitamin В, or H1 and it is a precursor of folic acid. In the folic acid PABA activates processes of synthesis of purine and paramedyn bases and is involved in biosynthesis of nucleic acids, as well as in conversion of tyrosine to melanin.
Y.K. Svyechyn observed an increase in average daily growth of pigs at fattening and their live weight by 53–78 %.
In modern literature, the positive impact of mineral pallets and para-aminobenzoic acid on the growth and development of young pigs by feeding them for meat was described.
At high productivity of pigs, parameters of feeding biotechnology, in particular the need for vitamins and minerals is much higher. It is proved that lack of vitamins B in the feeding of pigs led to a decrease in reproductive ability of sows and intensity of calves’ growth.
Materials on the simultaneous use of PABA and mineral pallets in pigs feeding were rarely described in the known literature.
Our investigations confirmed that the simultaneous feeding of PABA and mineral pellets to pregnant and lactating sows increases their performance in quantity by 1.0–1.8 % and significantly increases their performance in size – by 7.5–8.8 %; weight of nest increases – by 9.3–11.1 % and the number of piglets at weaning – by 11.2–12.0 % compared with animals receiving normal diet. In a combined feeding of PABA and mineral pellets to sows and suckling piglets, live weight of calves at weaning on the 45th day increased by 2.9–3.8 %, and the average daily growth – by 9.3–10.1 % compared to control.
The objective of our study was to investigate the influence of combined use of PABA and mineral pellets in feeding of pregnant and lactating sows on chemical composition of their colostrums and milk.
Experimental investigations were conducted on pregnant and lactating sows of large white breed. Four groups of animals with 10 heads in each one were chosen on the basis of analogues. The control group of sows received a basic diet (BD) with bringing to normal of vitamins and macro- and micronutrient elements.
The sows of research groups besides basic diet received additionally para-aminobenzoic acid or mineral pallets. The amount of para-aminobenzoic acid and mineral pellets were adjusted to a general rule of the use of B vitamins and macro- and micronutrient elements. In the experiment we determined the chemical composition of both colostrums (in the first day after farrowing) and milk (in the 5th and 20th day) of sows’ lactation after farrowing).
In addition, the pigs were weighed on the 21st day of life in each nest, i.e. for each sow. Therefore, we analyzed the effects of both separate impurities of PABA and mineral pellets and combined use of PABA and mineral pellets when feeding pregnant and lactating sows on milk production and chemical composition of colostrums and milk of experimental animals.
The received data of research are presented, the detailed analysis of the data is given and total protein (by 2.9–10.2 %) was better in the animals of the experimental groups compared with control sows.
On the 21st day of life a live weight of piglets of each nest of research sows was determined. In terms of solids and total protein in milk of sows of research groups on the 20th day after farrowing reliable (P<0.001) difference (at 3.9–13.4 %) for indicators of animal from the research groups compared to control animals was observed.
On the 21stt day of life live weight of piglets from each nest of sows was determined. Analyzing milk index of sows from the experimental and control groups it was proved that the application of PABA or mineral feed pellets the figure significantly (P<0.001) increased (to 7.7–8.3 %) compared with control both due to more piglets in the nest and by increasing their live weight.
It was found that both in separate and combined use of PABA and mineral pellets in feeding of pregnant sows, density and the amount of fat in colostrums do not change. For example, the density of colostrums in the sows in the second, third and fourth research groups (1.051–1.058) was almost the same as in the female of control group (1.049), which was not fed with additional supplements.
At combined use of PABA and mineral pellets milk index increased by 19.8 % (P<0.001) compared with animals receiving only the basic diet.
Thus, the overall analysis and evaluation of the results led to the following conclusions: 1. Application PABA and mineral pellets in feeding of pregnant sows has a positive impact on growth and development of young pigs and on chemical composition of sows’ colostrums.
2. In the combined use of PABA and mineral pellets on the 20th day of lactation in milk animal research groups solids content increases by 3.9–13.6 % and total protein, and milk production increases by 19.8 % in comparison with these figures of control animals.
Further studies will be conducted in the study of the effectiveness of PABA usage in feeding of other livestock and poultry.
Key words: suckling piglets, para-aminobenzonic acid, mineral pallets, colostrums, daily average gain of weight, preservation.
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