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The activity of the main antioxidant enzymes – superoxide dismutase and catalase and content of peroxidation products in quail kidneys under cadmium stress. It is established that under the influence of cadmium, which is an exogenous toxicant, the cells form toxic metabolic products with the content inhibiting antioxidant enzymes. With the addition of selenium compounds catalase and superoxide dismutase are activated, which provide restoration of metabolic processes in the body tissues. The study reveals the age differences in quail kidney sensitivity to exogenous toxicants and their influence correction. The poultry is particularly sensitive in the critical periods of development: shortly after hatching, plumage change, during the hormonal and sexual adjustment during intensive oviposition. Adding selenium preparation with foods eliminates the toxic effects of cadmium and rises the metabolism rate to the control group.
Key words: lipid peroxidation, antioxidant protection, kidneys, Selenium, Cadmium.
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