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Metabolism of non-esterified fatty acids in the liquid content of the rumen and productive indicators of cows with coffee pulp in their diet
Biochemical mechanisms of impact of coffee pulp presented in the diet in summer period on metabolic processes in the body and productive indicators of cows are poorly understood. The purpose of the study was to investigate metabolism of non-esterified fatty acids in the liquid content of the rumen, milk productivity and composition of milk cows in the presence of coffee pulp in the diet in summer period. Higher levels of cellulose was obtained by the addition to the diet of cows coffee pulp. Cows were fed feed consisting coffee pulp in an amount of 8 and 16 %. It was established that the average daily feed of cows, which together with fresh legume grasses and forage fed with coffee pulp received on 12.1 and 20.2 % more neutral detergent on 29.1 and 64.9 % of acid detergent cellulose. It is also established that the content of non- esterified fatty acids in the rumen fluid of cows, which together with fresh legume grasses and forage were fed coffee pulp in an amount of 8 and 16 % by weight of feed, depending on the time relatively to the early morning feeding varies from saturated fat acids with an even and odd number of carbon atoms in the chain of monounsaturated fatty acid families n-7 and n-9 and especially the families of polyunsaturated fatty acids n-3 and n-6.
As a result of feeding with fresh grass, fodder and coffee pulp average daily milk yield in cows increased. At the same time the content of protein, fat and lactose in the milk of the tested cows increased. The use of non-conventional fodder, in particular waste of coffee production in feeding of ruminants, especially cows, is important. Coffee production has a large amount of waste such as coffee pulp. Coffee pulp at moisture of 12.5 %, contains 11.2–13.5 % of crude protein, about 5.5 % of crude fat and in the average 39.7 % cellulose. Thus, the nutritional value of coffee pulp in an average 0.38 of feed units.
However, the effectiveness of protein, essential amino acids and fatty acids in the body of lactating cows while grazing on pasture or feeding green mass of seeded grasses largely depends on the content of acid detergent cellulose in the diet. This is due primarily to stabilized impact of acid detergent cellulose on enzyme processes in the rumen and the concentration of hydrogen ions in its content at high levels in the diet of animals easily degradable protein, sugar and starch.
Deficiency of acid detergent cellulose in the diet of cows while grazing on pasture or feeding green mass of seeded grasses reduces their productivity by reducing protein in the transformation of microbial protein. This explains the efficiency of the use of protein by cattle added to the green mass of seeded grasses and forage (hay or straw chaff), characterized by a high content of acid detergent cellulose. Chaff hay or straw in the diet of cows can replace coffee production waste, including coffee cellulose pulp. Biochemical mechanisms of impact coffee pulp available in the diet in the summer period on metabolic processes in the body and signs of productive cows are poorly studied. The work was to study metabolic processes of non-esterified fatty acids in the rumen, milk production and composition of cows’ milk in the presence of coffee pulp in the diet in summer period.
Experimental studies were conducted in the experimental farm state enterprise "Radekhiv" Radekhiv district, Lviv region. It was formed three groups of cows third or fourth lactation (4 animals in each), unique in origin, age, body weight, performance and month of lactation. Higher levels of fat were obtained by the addition of coffee pulp to the diet. Moreover, cows of the I and II research groups were fed coffee pulp in an amount of 8 and 16 % by weight of fodder.
Key words: coffee pulp, acid detergent cellulose, liquid rumen, non-esterified fatty acids, cows, productivity, composition of milk.
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