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Optimization of nutrient media for cultivation of the strain Bacillus macerans as a producer of pectolytic feed additive
In all cell walls and in the intercellular space of plants there is an insoluble pectin in different concentrations, which has a function of bonding element between different molecules of non-starch polysaccharides with elements of cells. Pectin forms a strong frame, thus standing in the way for endogenous and exogenous enzymes to the nutrient substances. Most of the pectin is contained in the parenchyme of the plant tissue.
Pectin belongs to non-starch polysaccharides, which are practically not digested in the organisms of monogastric animals, acting as antinutritional factors. This, in its turn, prevents digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract to hydrolyze proteins, lipids and carbohydrates concentrated in the endosperm. Thus, transformation of the nutrient substances of the fodder into animals products is decreased.
Pectins are hydrolyzed in case of action of a number of pectolytic enzymes, which are synthesized by microfungi, some types of yeasts and bacteria.
The producer of pectolytic enzymes Bacillus macerans has been understudied. Besides, optimum technological regimes of cultivation of the Bacillus macerans strain have not been worked out.
Due to this, the goal of this work is determination of influence of optimum sources of Nitrogen and carbohydrates on the intensity of synthesis of pectate transeliminases by the Bacillus macerans producer.
The research was made in the conditions of the laboratory and production capacities of the Private Company “Biotechnology of Ukraine-Centre” in the town of Ladyzhyn in Vinnytsia Region. The Bacillus macerans producer has been studied for production of the supplementary feed.
During selection of the source of Nitrogen the following medium was taken as the basis: beet-chips – 27.5 g/l; potassium sulfate – 2.0 g/l; calcium carbonate – 2.5 g/l; maize extract – 12.5 g/l; potassium hydroxide – 0.2 g/l.
Different sources of Nitrogen were added to the above specified content: ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, ammonium oxalate, ammonium tartrate, ammonium citrate, peptone, casein hydrolysate and urea (control) (based on 0.35 % in Nitrogen).
After selection of the optimum source of Nitrogen, other sources of carbohydrates were used instead of beet-chips: sugar, maltose, glucose, starch, native cellulose, sodium-carboxymethyl cellulose, lignin, beetroot pectin, apple pectin, wheat mill-run, beet-chips (control) (based on 2.2 % in carbohydrates).
During research of the influence of different sources of Nitrogen on the synthesis intensity of pectate transeliminase by the Bacillus macerans producer, it has been found out that on condition of use of urea the activity of the enzymes complex was the highest at the level of 21.650 units/ml.
Use of ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride was accompanied by reduction of activity of the pectate transeliminase, compared to the control data, accordingly for 22.4 % and 28.3 %.
Introduction of the ammonium citrate and ammonium oxalate to the composition of the nutrient medium did not give high results. Activity of the pectate transeliminase was lower compared to the option where urea was used, accordingly for 21.0 % and 19.3 %. In case of deep cultivation of the Bacillus macerans strain on the media with various nitrate containing compositions the accumulation level of the pectin enzyme was quite high (from 71.6 % to 95.0 %).
Use of simple sugars as single sources of carbohydrates in the nutrient medium contributed to accumulation of the bacteria biomass, but it did not stimulate enzyme synthesis.
This fact conforms well to the theory of inducing synthesis of the corresponding type of enzymes by the specific substrate. Such a specific substrate for pectin lyase is pectin. It has been noticed that introduction of substrates containing non-starch polysaccharides (cellulose, pectin) into the nutrient medium contributes to better accumulation of pectin lyase of starch nature sugars.
On condition of use of beetroot pectin and apple pectin the accumulation of the studied enzyme was the closest to the control. The difference to the control was only 1.6 % and 19.0 %.
Thus, it has been determined that the optimum sources of Nitrogen and carbohydrates for the Bacillus macerans producer are correspondingly urea and beet-chips.
Key words: nutrient medium, strain Bacillus macerans, enzymes, urea, beet-chips, pectate transeliminase.
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