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Protein metabolism in the body of pigs using vitamin E and trace complex
Modern technologies of pig breeding, early weaning piglets need constant improvement of the quality of health care. This is because the morbidity and death of young pigs from non-contagious pathology is high enough. During raising suckling pigs and their separation from sows different minerals and vitamins as drinking water and injections are being used.
It remains unexplored such data as protein metabolism parameters in serum of piglets using as drinking water vitamin E and trace elements containing different doses of Zinc, Iron and Germanium.
Key indicators of protein metabolism in the body of livestock and poultry is the mass fraction of total protein, blood protein marker, key products of nitrogen metabolism (urea). In addition, the indicators related protein metabolism activity of some enzymes that catalyze processes of anabolism and catabolism. Enzymes involved in protein metabolism include aminotransferase: aspartate- aminotransferase (cf and alaninaminotransferase (EC
The aim of research was to study the effect of watering nanopreparation of vitamin E and intra muscular administration of different doses of nanopreparation microelements on protein metabolism in the piglets body.
Scientific and economic research was conducted on suckling pigs and piglets at weaning age of 28–50 days. According to the objective it was formed five groups, one control and four experimental 20 heads in each group. The control group was grown on conventional technology without additional vitamin E and minerals. Pigs from the first research group three days before weaning were watered with the help of drinking device MP12 nanopreparation of vitamin E at a dose of 4.5 g per
10 kg of body weight per day. The second research group received nanopreparation of vitamin E and twice intramuscular injection nanopreparation of complex microelements in the amount 2.0 ml per 10 kg of body weight. Animals from the third research group on the background of additional watering of vitamin E administered 2.5 ml of nanopreparation microelements.
Pigs from the fourth research group received vitamin E in an amount of 4.5 g per 10 kg of body weight and 3.0 ml of nanopreparation microelements. The product containing trace elements was administered three days before weaning piglets and on the fourth day after weaning. The drug was injected into the inner thighs. The blood of pigs were collected at 28 day 35 and 50 day of life.
Using an integrated watering of vitamin E and trace elements determined increasing protein synthesis in the body of pigs from 28 to 50 days of life.
After 28 days of life it was found that pigs, which were watered nanopreparation of vitamin E and injected 2.5 ml of nanopreparation of microelements (III experimental group) tends to increase the protein content, aminotransferase activity and reduction of urea in the blood serum. The content of albumin was significantly higher than in control.
Investigation of serum on the 35th day of piglets life (3d day after re-entering of nanopreparation trace) showed that in animals from the third experimental group protein content was higher than in the control 7.2 % (p<0.05). Additional administration of microelements on the background of vitamin supply (III and IV research group) has contributed to the content of albumin in the blood serum of pigs, respectively, 11.3 % (p<0.05) and 11.7 % (p<0.05). On the probable value urea content in blood serum of animals from the third and the fourth research groups was reduced.
After 50 days of piglets life it was found that pigs from the third and the fourth research groups the content of protein and albumin in serum was significantly higher than in control. The difference was, respectively, 7.9 and 6.1 and 16.7 % and 13.4 %. At a probable value a reduction in the concentration of urea in the blood serum of piglets from the third and the fourth research groups was noted.
Key words: protein metabolism, piglets, vitamin E, nanopreparation of trace elements (microelements), Iron, Zinc, Germanium.
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