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Quality investigation of meat-and-vegetable chopped semi-products based on turkey meat and champignon mushrooms
The aim of the current work was to develop a recipe of meat-and-vegetablechopped semi-products of the new generation based on turkey meat and champignon mushrooms and to investigate its quality. The samples of turkey meat withthe addition of champignon mushroom mass were prepared and studied. Physicalchemical methods including determination of the mass fraction of moisture, water-retaining ability, weight losses during heat treatment, determination of maximum shear stress and the content of sodium chloride. The organoleptic analysiswas based on identification of taste, odor, consistence and view on the cut andwere used in order to characterize the quality of new semi-products from turkeymeat and champignon mushrooms. Studies have shown that the addition of mushroom mass to model minced meat from turkeys lead to an increase in the massfraction of moisture in the samples, as the moisture content of the mushroom isgreater than in turkey meat. The water-retaining ability in the model samples isreduced, which is associated with an increase in moisture in the specimens withadding of mushroom mass. The consistency of the specimens was determined bya penetrometer using a conic cone. It was determined that the consistency of themodel samples with the addition of mushroom mass become softer. The pH of thesample forcemeat significantly did not change. Analysis of the data that has beenobtained showed that the addition of mushroom mass leads to the destruction ofmeat parsley systems and reduce their functional and technological properties.Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that the most rational way isto replace up to 3 % of the turkey meat with the mass of champignon mushroomwithout the practical reduction of the organoleptic parameters in the formulationof the cut semi-finished products.
Key words: turkey meat, mushroom, champignon, cutlets, semi-products,functional and technological properties.
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