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Reproductive performance of different genotype sows depending on the nonproductive days

The aim of research was to study the effect of the non-productive days (NPDs) of different genotypes sows (purebred, two-breed and sows with genotype purebred father × hybrid mother) on their reproductive performance (litter size at birth, milk production, litter size at weaning, litter weight at weaning, weaning weight and piglet survival). The study was conducted in PJSC “PC Podillia” of Vinnytsia region and PAE “Agroprodservice” of Ternopil region in 2014.
It was established that NPDs affect the sow reproductive performance. In the herd PJSC “PC Podillia” in the purebred sows group higher litter size at birth (14,1 piglets) and litter size at weaning (82,2 kg) had sows with NPDs 6−10 days; higher milk production (64,8 kg) and weaning weight (7,7 kg) had sows with NPDs less than 5 days. Higher litter size at weaning (10,1 piglets, p<0,01) and piglet survival (83,1%) were characteristic for sow with NPDs 11 days or longer.
Two-breed sows with NPDs less than 5 days had greater litter weight at weaning (82,1 kg) and weaning weight (7,9 kg); sows with NPDs 6−10 days had greater litter size at birth (12,3 piglets) and litter size at weaning (10,1 piglets); sows with NPDs 11 days or longer had greater milk production (70,7 kg) and piglet survival (86,1 %).
Sows with genotype purebred father × hybrid mother and with NPDs 6−10 days had higher litter size at birth (11,4 piglets), litter size at weaning (9,8 piglets) and piglet survival (86,4%). In this group higher milk production (76,9 kg) and litter weight at weaning (84,0 kg) were characteristic for sow with NPDs 11 days or longer, but significant difference for the studied parameters was not found.
In PAE “Agroprodservice” better reproductive performance, except piglet survival, had sows with NPDs 6−10 days but higher piglet survival had sows with NPDs 11 days or longer (91,2 %).
Based on the data we calculated the complex index of reproductive parameters (CIRP), selection index of sows’ reproductive parameters (SISRP) and survival index.
On average in the herd PJSC “PC Podillia” sows with NPDs 6−10 days took precedence over the same age sows with NPDs less than 5 days in the complex index CIRP by 5 points, sows with NPDs 11 days or longer – by 3 points, in the selection index SISRP – by 7 points in both cases, survival index – by 5 % and 3 %, respectively; in PAE “Agroprodservice”: CIRP – 23 and 24 points, SISRP – 10 and 15 points, survival index – 5 % and 9 %, respectively.
On average the greater CIRP characterized sows with NPDs 6−10 days (106 points – PJSC “PC Podillia”, 102 points – PAE “Agroprodservice”), they took precedence over sows with NPDs less than 5 days by 7–10 points and over sows with NPDs 11 days or longer by 7–15 points.
The sows’ reproductive performance was studied by the survival index, which depends on litter size at birth and piglet survival. Its highest value observed in the studied herds in the group of sows with NPDs 6−10 days regardless of genotype.
Thus, in both herds higher CIRP index, SISRP index and survival index had sows with NPDs 6−10 day: CIRP – 106–119 points, SISRP – 102–106 points, survival index – 83–93 %.
Effect sizes calculations (η2) of NPDs on sows reproductive performance by method of analysis of variance showed, that its value was different – from 1,4 % to 45,0 % and varied depending on sow genotype. Effect sizes of NPDs on litter size at birth was 8,8–41,2 %, milk production – 7,1–37,0 %, litter size at weaning – 6,8–36,2%, litter weight at weaning and weaning weight – 4,4–26,0 % 7,4–29,4 %, respectively, piglet survival – 1,4–45,0 %.
Calculations show that between sows NPDs and their reproductive parameters there were both positive and negative correlations for weak and medium strength.
In the herd PJSC “PC Podillia” medium-strength correction there was seen in purebred sows between NPDs and litter size at weaning ( r= +0,25) and in group of sows with genotype purebred father × hybrid mother – with milk production (r = +0,37, p<0,05); in the herd PAE “Agroprodservice”: in two-breed sows group – with litter size at weaning and litter weight at weaning (r = –0,25, r = –0,26, respectively, p<0,01 in both cases).
Key words: sows reproductive performance, nonproductive days (NPDs), complex index of reproductive parameters (CIRP), selection index of sows’ reproductive parameters (SISRP), survival index.
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