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Sows Reproductive capacity under usе of biologically active preparations after weaning piglets

Development of new and improvement of existing methods more accessible biotechnology regulation of reproductive function of sows is one of the topical areas of research, which is essential in the production of pig production.

One of the areas of control of reproductive function in females is the use of different periods of the reproductive cycle of dietary and metabolic drugs neurotropic action. A number of studies on the influence of the drug "Glyutam 1M" such pharmacodynamics on reproductive capacity of sows by using it during artificial insemination. It was found that feeding sows drug 1–3 days of sexual cycle significantly increases their twins.

It is known that piglets after weaning sows come into sexual hunt on average in 12 days. The duration of the idle period ranges from 3 to 40 or more days. Quick Recovery sexual cycle caused by switching Lactation dominant on sexual dominant. In consequence, the hypothalamus increases the rate of secretion of releasing hormone, which stimulates the synthesis and excretion of pituitary blood Folliculin and lyutropina begins the follicular phase of the sexual cycle. The theoretical basis of preparation immediately after the lactation period is that the biological action of its components is shown in functionally busy period of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis.

The aim of research was to examine the influence of neurotropic metabolic drug "Glyutam 1M" sows introduced immediately after weaning of piglets on their reproductive ability.

Within 30 days (March-April) was formed two groups of sows on 30 goals each. Groups formed from sows on a group-analogues breed, live weight (205–212 kg after the second farrowing (n=15) and 236–240 kg – after the third), average fatness and preliminary twins. Lactation period lasted 28 days. After weaning piglets of control and experimental sows were kept in the same room in separate stalls for 15 animals.

Animals were fed a high-grade animal feed its own production in the liquid state, which is made from a special recipe SK-1. Sows experimental group were fed individually in the morning for 1–3 days after weaning piglets "Glyutam 1M" in a dose of 20 ml., control – 20 ml of saline.

The use of fertility medication helped increase of 6.6% (control – 86.7±6.19 %, experiment – 93.3±4.56 %). Sows in the experimental group was significantly more newborn piglets and 1.5 are alive – at least 1.9 and 0.4 stillborn head.

Use of the drug in the proposed scheme leads to a tendency to increase in fertility and has a positive impact on the twins and also reduces fetal mortality.

Significant differences in live weight newborn piglets were found, but the bulk of the nest was significantly higher in the experimental group compared with control at 2.6 lbs. This is due both to a greater number of piglets in the nest, and some within the error, the advantage of body weight by 1.7 % (20 g).

Use of the drug contributed to an increase of 5.3 % relative number of sows that had a nest over 10 live piglets. This piglets are compared with the control was more by 1.6 heads.

The relative amount of business piglets of sows experimental group prevailed control at 2.5 %. Note that in the experimental group of piglets that had a live weight of less than 1 kg and was 0.7% greater than in controls. However, their live weight control is likely dominated by 8.3 % and 14.3 % respectively.

In the sows control group that had live offspring piglets was 7.6 % more than females who had also stillborn. While in the experimental group of such animals it was more by 71.4 %

Comparative analysis shows that in the experimental group sows only with live pigs was more by 31.9% and at the same relative amount of smaller females who were dead in offspring.

Idle period in the experimental animals was 17.8 % shorter compared with control (control – 5.3±0.45 days research – 4.5±0.09 days).

Thus, the introduction of sows drug "Glyutam 1M" 1–3 days after weaning activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, which improves reproductive ability, such as increased fertility, twins, fewer stillborn piglets and reduced idle time.

Key words: sow, twins, multiple pregnancy, fertility, piglets, "Glyutam 1M".

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