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The state of the fish farming industry and its development trends in Ukraine and the world
The article analyzes the current state and trends of fisheries in Ukraine and the world for the period from 1996 till2020. The authors showed the changes in the extraction ofaquatic bioresources, considered the indicators of export-import operations of the industry and also considered how fishproducts were consumed by the population. The article identifies the main prospects and desirable strategies for fisheriesdevelopment.Measures such as catch regulation, control over the condition of certain industrial facilities, rational ecologicallybalanced functioning of aquaculture and mariculture farmsremain relevant for the stable supply of fish, crustaceans andother seafood to consumers.Analysis of industry trends shows that in the near future most of the world's fish stocks will be caught in steadyvolumes. In that case aquaculture will have to meet the difference between the supply of wild fish and the demand ofthe growing population of the planet. On the other hand, thedevelopment of aquaculture raises a number of issues relatedto the resources it needs and the threats posed by externalfactors, including diseases and challenges related to climatechange.The competition of technologies in the framework ofsustainable development of aquaculture contributes to theimprovement of closed recirculation systems, the operationof which does not depend on climatic conditions. They alsoensure the receipt fry of fish at an early date and have proventheir effectiveness in the cultivation of valuable fish species:sturgeon, catfish, tilapia, salmon.Analysis of world experience shows that the cultivationof fish in mariculture farms is optimal arrangement of largesea cages away from the shore.It is substantiated that today one of the stable ways ofobtaining aquatic bioresources in Ukraine is the cultivation ofaquatic organisms in inland waters. It is expected that in thenear future in this sector will be concentrated the potential forincreasing fish products and feed use.
Key words: aquaculture, fisheries, aquatic biologicalresources, fish, molluscs, crustaceans.
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