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Studying the process of pollution on milking dairy equpment
Among the indicators of milk quality, that determine its technological properties as raw materials for further processing, the most important is bacterial contamination. This figure is almost entirely dependent on two external factors: the sanitary condition of the milking equipment and milk cooling.
It is known that physiologically healthy udder of a cow gives almost aseptic milk. One ml of the milk has only 800–1200 organisms. However, when released into the environment, it is contaminated by microorganisms, and then renew the quality of milk is almost impossible. As milk is passing through milking system bacterial contamination occurs to the point where it enters the milk collector, it has already formed a certain microflora, qualitative and quantitative composition of which affects the hygiene performance of raw materials at the time of its recycling. Thus, it can be proved that the main factor that determines the quality of milk is the level of pathogens on the surface of milking and dairy equipment.
One of the topical issues is the lack of rapid methods to assess the health status of milking equipment, and information on the mechanism of contamination in the milking-dairy equipment.
The objective of the research was to improve the quality of milk obtained by improving ways of assessing the quality of cleaning milk lines to detect mechanism of pollution, intensify cleaning of milking equipment using the most effective detergent-disinfectants with further substantiation of technological modes of their application.
The goal was solved by using analytical, theoretical and zootechnical methods.
The development of studying method of pollution formation on milking equipment and milk was carried out in the scientific laboratory of technical systems and technologies livestock department named after B.P. Shabelnik, the Institute of Technical Service KNTUA named after P. Vasilenko.
High quality and safety of milk consists of physical-chemical parameters of milk and hygienic condition of the milking and dairy equipment. If the physical and chemical composition of milk is due to genetic features of animals, seasons, diet, nutrition, etc., the health and safety characteristics, including bacterial contamination, the presence of disease-causing organisms that inhibit substances and mechanical impurities, and the total number of somatic cells in milk is defined as a rule by sanitary quality of milking equipment cleaning and general culture in terms of milk production farm. In contact milk with the surface of milking equipment during milking adhesive interaction of protein-fat milk particles occurs. As a result of this interaction after each milking milk biofilms appear on the working surfaces of equipment, which is a good nutrient medium for the propagation of harmful microorganisms.
Developed method to identify mechanisms of biofilms formation is as follows: clean and uncontaminated ground plates of food grade stainless steel measuring 80×40×2 mm are weighed on analytical scales accurate to 0.0001 grams and record values. Then, in the capacity of 0.5 liter fresh milked milk is poured. In the next step these plates of food grade stainless steel measuring 80×40×2 mm immersed in a bowl of milk and keep for 10 hours at 20–23 0C. After the formation of contamination in samples of a biofilm, the plates are removed and conduct weighing. The result is compared with the values of clean samples. By determining the difference formation and pollution of biofilm have been defined.
The advantage of the proposed method is that it is easy to implement, provides operative receipt of reliable data makes it possible to carry out studies of the formation of biofilms from milk of different kinds.
The results are a prerequisite to effective development of innovative methods for removing impurities from milk systems with optimal use of detergent-disinfectants.
Key words: milk, milking equipment, pollution, biofilm, method.
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