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Tendencies in development of poultry meat production in Ukraine
The article is dedicated to the investigation of modern tendencies in the field of poultry breeding in Ukraine in the context of the statistical analysis of the dynamics of livestock production and economic efficiency of poultry meat sale, considered export-import operations. Features of world development of this branch are highlighted. The main priorities for the further effective development of poultry industry are noted.
Following the results of 2016, the biggest increase production to 42 thousand tons of poultry showed enterprise "Mironivskuiy Bread product”. The company still remains the largest producer in Ukraine with a market share of 60 %. There is also a tendency of increasing volumes of foreign trade in meat products. During 10 months of this year compared with the corresponding period last year, exports increased by 21 % and amounted to 246 thousand tons, import – by 16 % (147 ths. tons). Poultry breeding is the leader in domestic meat export. Branch "Vinnytsia Poultry Plant" is the largest poultry complex in Europe, where 500 thousand broiler chickens are processed every day.
Consumption of poultry meat increased from 13.9 kg per capita in 2005 to about 24.8 kg in 2014. Last year, meat consumption decreased to 24.2 kg, due to the decrease in production, although this decline is the lowest among all types of meat. Now there is also a decline in the consumption of poultry meat – during 10 months it decreased by 23 thousand tons and this year it is expected that poultry consumption will be 23.7 kg per person.
According to the 2015 EU exported 27.8 thousand tons of poultry meat and meat products, and with this indicator Ukraine occupies the 3rd place among countries exporting to the EU. During 7 months of this year we exported 131 thousand tons of poultry that is 45 % more than in 2015.
However, export of poultry from the EU member states to Ukraine is almost three times higher than import. Concerned for the future not only of poultry industry, but the entire agricultural sector of Ukraine, leaders have repeatedly turned to the authorities to support the initiatives of associations and businesses about the increase in duty-free tariff quotas, additional preferences on the part of the European Union for Ukrainian products in the form of reduction of tariff rates, imposed on products imported in excess of tariff quotas. Thus, it will give additional opportunities for Ukrainian producers to increase production and thus lead to new jobs creation at the enterprises and in addition at related sectors. Production in 2017 will largely depend on the development of the current market situation, and the fact that state support poultry industry will be provided next year, and that will increase real incomes. However, even if it will increase production next year, the additional amount will be used for export, domestic consumption remains at 2016.
The process of exporting goods to the European market and the movement of goods within the EU is rather complicated, as the requirements for food products in the various Member States may differ, which creates unequal conditions of competition. But due to compliance directives and EU regulations and the use of advanced technology products of Ukrainian production is competitive in the European market.
Investigation determined some promising areas of improvement in the global market competitiveness of products, which are in the certification of quality according to international standards that allow manufacturers to actively promote their products and expand markets.
The main factors of the industry development, besides investments are technical upgrading and capacity expansion of poultry companies, quality improvement of pedigree resources, modern management and state support.
It should be done by introducing a special regime of taxation of value added tax and introduction of fixed agricultural tax, surcharge to agricultural enterprises for sold of slaughter broilers, partial financing of the poultry breeding programs, financial support businesses through the mechanism of reduction of short- and long-term loans, partial compensation of 30 % of the cost of agricultural equipment of domestic production, cage equipment and its acquisition in terms of financial leasing.
Key words: poultry breeding, poultry products industry, industrial production, competitiveness, economic efficiency, export, import.
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