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The use of microbial inoculants at corn silage preservation
There has been studied the impact of inoculants use on the corn silage preparation technology and corn silage preservation. The main inoculants’ advantages and their prospective use have been defined.
There has been found out that DuPont Pioneer inoculants prevented the development of pathogenic bacteria, mold and fungi. Inoculants provide for preserving the initial features of raw materials. In accordance with silage quality requirements, one can say that silage with the traditional method preparation could be identified as the 3-rd class quality and the silage treated with 11C33 inoculants could be identified as the 1-st class quality.
The first silage samples were taken in October, 2013. The chemical composition analysis showed that the content of dry substance in 1 kg of traditional silage was 14,7 % higher than in 1 kg of silage treated with the 11C33 inoculants. Silage with the DuPont Pioneer 11C33 inoculants had by 52,2 % more phosphorus and by 16,7% less protein than the silage prepared with the traditional method, without any conservants. Active acidity (pH) was at the level of 3,50–3,66.
The experimental silage with 11C33 inoculants had more organic acids, mostly lactic acids and acetic acids (Table 2). The experimental silage treated wtih 11C33 kept 2,43 % more lactic acid and it did not have the oleic acid.
In early May, 2014 they were taken the silage samples, with their further organoleptic estimatation which showed the same good odour with the sour apple taste. At the same time the silage has smaller amount of dry substance, both with traditional silage and that treated with 11C33.
There were 83,1 g of digestible protein in 1 kg of silage treated with 11C33 inoculants versa 72,9 g of protein in the traditional silage. Analysis results showed treated silage ripening, with the content of protein increased by 18,7% in comparison with the traditional silage where one could observe the protein decrease by 8,8 g. Due to fermentation processes and the bacterial activity the balance of acids ahs changed. Both types of silage had less lactic acid and more acetic acid. Finally, there were no oleic acid in both types of silage.
Active acidity or the hydrogen-ion concentration of the treated silage was at the level of 4,10 and it provided the essential acidity to inhibit the pathogen bacteria concentration.
There was the positive changing of the acid balance in the forage. The lactic acid was 15,2 % higher in the silage treated with 11C33 inoculants and the acetic acid was 13,6 % lower if compared to the traditional silage. The oleic acid was not observed in both silages.
Pioneer® brand 11C33 is a unique blend of proprietary strains of Lactobacillus buchneri, Lactobacillus plantarum and Enterococcus faecium (U.S. Patent No. 6,403,084) used to enhance fermentation in corn ensilaging, to improve anaerobic dry substance preservation and minimize aerobic dry substance losses.
Lactobacillus buchneri is a lactic acid bacterium that produces a broad spectrum of volatile fatty acids during silage fermentation inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and yeast. This significant inhibition enhances aerobic stability, reduces heating in the feed bunk and minimizes silage aerobic losses.
Thus, the DuPont Pioneer inoculants prevent molding processes, providing for preserving the initial features of raw materials. In accordance wtih the silage quality requirements, one can state that silage with the traditional method preparation could be rferred to as the 3-rd class quality and the silage treated with 11C33 inoculants could be referred to as the 1-st class quality.
Key words: forage production, inoculants, silage, preserving agent, ensilaging.
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