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Ways of balanced use of vermiculture biotechnology in the conditions of anthropogenic load on the environment
The high energy potential of organic waste allows its use in bioconversion technologies, where waste from one production cycle is a raw material for further production to produce environmentally friendly fertilizers, energy carriers and feed additives. The article presents the results of experimental studies on the environmental efficiency of vermiculture on organic waste from livestock, crop production, gardening and forestry under anthropogenic load. It is proved that due to the biological characteristics of vermiculture, which allows to consume a large amount of organic residues, enrich them with its own microflora, enzymes, biologically active substances and release them as processed products (coprolites), this technology to some extent solves the problems of balanced nature management. It has been determined that in the conditions of intensification of production processes, secondary organic raw materials contain a number of pollutants - heavy metals and toxic metals that can accumulate in coprolites (vermicompost). An approach is proposed that solves the problem of pollutant migration and involves the introduction of 3% zeolite from the Sokyrnytsia deposit in the Transcarpathian region into the vermiculture substrate. Experimental and analytical determination of the environmental efficiency of the proposed approach has shown that its practical application in solving the problems of balanced nature management allows to reduce the accumulation of Plumbum by 13.6 % and Cadmium by 22.6 % in vermicompost, which improves the quality of this organic fertilizer and creates prerequisites for obtaining environmentally friendly products.
Key words: ecology, biotechnology, organic waste, red California worm hybrid, bioconversion, natural minerals, minimization of environmental pollution, sustainable environmental management.
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