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Morpho-functional features change of cow udder of red steppe breed with age

Udder is an important exterior feature of dairy cattle, as the suitability of cows to the milking machine is determined according to its morphological and functional characteristics. The need for evaluation and selection of cows according to their udder shape and properties is specified by the fact that these features have a positive relationship with milk yield and inherited well by offspring.

The use of milking machines for milking cows whose udder has uneven placement of particles can cause serious injuries and illnesses. One considers udder to be good if from the front particles of it not less than 43% of daily milk yield is received.

Properties udder was determined using a milking machine DASH-1. The device allows you to measure the amount of milk milked from each quarter of the udder, to evaluate the uniformity of their development, to determine the rate of milk: the intensity and uniformity of removing milk from individual quarters of the udder.

As the standard of udder index O.A. Ivanova’s data were taken which comprise 45% for cows of Red Steppe breed. As the standard of milk the lower scale (1,8 kg/min.) was taken which matches 5 balls of the Instructions in cattle appraisal.

Our studies indicates an index udder dependence and milk speed on animals age. Rresearch group animals at the age of first and second lactation had the following index udder indicators – 43,3 ± 0,07%; 43,7 ± 0,06% and yielded cows of standard group for this indicator (45,0%) 1,7%; 1,3% respectively. For the third lactation cows were characterized by index – 45,4 ± 0,09% and dominated the breed standard of 0,4%. Similarly, for the performance of this index superiority was observed in research groups of cows in the fourth, fifth and sixth lactation. Thus, for the fourth lactation animals had such index – 48,6 ± 0,04% higher than the default group and 3,6% for the fifth lactation – 50,4 ± 0,08%, the difference was 5,4%. While studying it was found that in the third lactation cows showed a significant growth rate of the udder index that during the sixth lactation gets the highest level – 51,5%.

This is due to lower activity and intensity of milking in young animals. With age, the physiological activity of the udder increases and reaches its maximum in old cows.

The technological features of udder cows of dairy breeds include indicators that characterize its functional properties. Among them, the most important is the intensity of milk. It provides fast and intense removing milk from it, and ensure high efficiency of machine milking.

With proper organization of machine milking most cows are able to be milked to the end for 3–5 minutes. To arrange milk yield high, milking should last no more than 7 minutes. Therefore it is necessary to consider all the factors that cause high levels of milk production of cows and speed of milking. Intensity of milk is considered satisfactory if on average at least 1 kg of milk is obtained a minute.

It was established that the rate of speed of cows milking in cows in the experimental group at the age of first lactation was the smallest – 1,63 ± 0,049 kg/min and was less than breed standard index by 0,17 kg/min. During the second lactation the animals had the following speed value of milking – 1,85 ± 0,027 kg / min and were more than in standard group by 0,05 kg/min. The cows aged third lactation had the following speed of milk – 1,88 ± 0,017 kg/min, which was higher by 0,08 kg/min by the breed standard. At the age of fourth, fifth and sixth lactations research group had the following performance speed of milk – 1,93 ± 0,016 kg/min; 1,90 ± 0,015 kg/min; 1,91 ± 0,023 kg/min with an advantage over the standard group of cows at 0,13 kg/min; 0,10 kg/min; 0,11 kg/min, respectively.

The intensity of animal milking was at 1,63–1,93 kg/min. The cows aged four lactation had he highest level of the index (1,93 kg/min). There was a definite trend of increase in the rate of milk with animal age.

A number of studies indicates the links between economic useful traits of cows of red steppe species, which include the speed of milk and udder index.

The conducted correlation analysis showed the presence of low mostly positive correlation coefficients between the udder and the symbol rate of milk.

Thus, for the first lactation correlation coefficient between the index and speed of milk udder was 0,13 ± 0,003 with certainty third degree. During the second and fifth lactation it was noted correlation coefficient 0,11 ± 0,003 and 0,14 ± 0,004 of the false difference. The coefficients of correlation for the third, fourth and sixth lactation were characterized by negative, misleading and communication were 0,18 ± 0,005; -0,21 ± 0,005; -0,06 ± 0,002 respectively.

Thus, it was set that cows with age from the third lactation showed a significant growth rate of udder index and intensity of milking that attributed to the physiological activity of the udder with age. Correlation analysis between the index and the intensity of the udder of milk can also be a kind of marker in assessing of morphological and technological properties of the udder.

Key words: udder index, intensity of milking, parts of udder, correlative variability.

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