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Biotechnological aspects of constructing of bacterial preparation for production of brine cheese

Today creation of bacterial preparations for dairy industry has a crucial importance for the receipt of high-quality sour-milk products and cheese because the efficiency of their production is determined by the level of biological activity of microflora of preparation.

The important point is selecting of cultures of lactic acid bacteria for creation of bacterial preparation for the production of brynza cheese, that is specific for the particular geographic region. Lactate microflora that participates in the traditional production of cheese can show unique properties and be taken for the formation of bacterial composition of microorganisms.

The aim is to create the bacterial preparation for the production of brynza cheese based on isolated and identified strains of lactic acid bacteria with cheese manufactured in the non-industrial conditions of the Carpathian region of Ukraine.

For the construction of bacterial preparation Herobakteryn the selection of cultures of lactic acid bacteria has been done due the complex estimation of their properties. Those included: milk fermentation acid activity, resistance to high concentrations of NaCl and temperature optimum cultivation of bacteria as well as functional properties.

In experimental conditions the dose of bacterial preparation for fermentation of milk (25 kg/1 ton of milk-based) has been found. On the basis of the final quality of lactic acid bacteria in an amount not less than 1ˣ107 CFU / 1g the selection of doses has been carried out.

According to ISO 7065:2009 Cheeses. General specifications. Analysis of the final product has been carried out; 21 screening cultures of lactic acid bacteria have been conducted in total.

For inclusion in the composition of bacterial preparation Herobakteryn as a result of purposeful selection the five promising strains of lactic acid bacteria were selected: Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis TW54-2, Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1, Enterococcus faecium strain L3-2, Leuconostoc mesenteroides A7, Lactococcus garvieae JB282647 2. Using the definition of the nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA gene, it was identified at the molecular genetic level.

With the ability of bacteria to form the lactic acid-forming acid it has been found that the best two cultures are C2 and C22 – strains of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis – energy from acid 98°T and 97°T, respectively. Less pronounced acid formation ability for the species Lactococcus garvieae culture B19 – 65°T and C28 – 45°T has been noted.

The genus Enterococcus A2, A8, B7, C29, C31 and species Lactococcus garvieae A11, B19 and C28 were most resistant to high concentrations of NaCl.

The strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis TW54-2- C2 showed high resistance to NaCl (6.5 %) and was elected as the main acid formation consisting bacterial preparation.

Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 used as a functional strain. The ability for acid formation during the cultivation is moderate – 81°T, but it is resistant to high concentrations of NaCl (6.5 %).

The inclusion of Enterococcus faecium justified by the fact that it strains constitute the significant proportion of the total number of microorganisms. It is particularly important that Enterococcus faecium shows gerontologic diet properties.

The strain Leuconostoc mesenteroides A7 involved in bacterial preparation as formation of aroma product, but with low resistance to NaCl – 4 %.

Lactococcus garvieae JB282647 2 selected as a typical strain. The technological properties are characterized by low capacity for acid – 65°T, but highly resistant to NaCl – 6.5 %. Inclusion strains of Lactococcus garvieae in bacterial composition preparation is intended to preserve the typical natural bacterial population ewe’s brynza cheese and preserve their typical sensory properties of traditional cheese.

Following the main principles of making the Carpathian traditional brynza cheese, lactic acid bacteria in the composition of bacterial preparation Herobakteryn was presented in the following ratio of bacteria cultures: Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis – 50 %, Lactobacillus plantarum – 15 %, Enterococcus faecium – 20 %, Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. mesenteroides – 10 % and Lactococcus garvieae – 5 %.

The result preparation looks smooth pale yellow and odorless. The output of dry bacterial concentrate was 9.1ˣ1011 CFU/g.

The studies have shown that brynza cheese made with bacterial preparation Herobakteryn meets the qualitative parameters under ISO 7065:2009, final product, and provides the increased number of viable lactic acid bacteria to 5,2ˣ107 CFU/1g of product.

The production of brynza cheese chosen by a consortium of microorganisms, which is typical for traditional Carpathian microflora brynza cheese, provides a safe and quality food with gerontologic diet and functional properties.

Key words: bacterial preparation, Carpathian brynza cheese, biotechnological methods, lactic acid bacteria, organoleptic properties, physical and chemical properties, microbiological parameters.


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